Попытка сделать быструю видеоигру - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 20 апреля 2020

Следующий код должен принимать вход и цикл; Внутренний отсчет вверх или вниз значения «player_startPoint» в зависимости от погоды, которую вы получаете из Weather_values ​​(случайное число с диапазоном 2). Вы выиграли игру, достигнув трех. Однако мой код никогда не покинет пока l oop.

Кодировано Python

# import random and set the range of values between 1 & 2 
# remember that zero is the default lowest number when i+1
import pygame 
import random
i = int
weather_values = random.randint(1,2)

# These values are used later to define the game state the user will encounter, if sunny move forward +1; if rainy move backwards -1
# These are most of the variables in general 
Sunny = int = 1
Rainy = int = 2
player_startPoint = 0

# These values will later be replaced once I figure out how to negate case sensitive
yes =  str  
Yes = str
yes == Yes
no = str
No = str
No == no

# This prompt starts the game 
print("This is the weather game")
Ask_string = input("Ask about the weather? (Yes/No): ")

weather_values == Sunny == 1
weather_values == Rainy == 2
if weather_values == Sunny:
    player_startPoint + 1
else :
    weather_values == Rainy
    player_startPoint - 1

#The value Ask_string prompts the program to run the mathRand command to get a value of 1 or 2 that print out the weather assigned to either number

if Ask_string == "yes" or "Yes":

   #Here we intitute the mathRand function to give the player insight and give them 
   # An input choice to proceed or stay put based on the forcast

   # Printing the variable random abides by the range set and will give you a desired output, 
   # However, I am not sure if random and weather_values will indentify to the same value going forward if just random is used.  
    print (weather_values)

        print("Maybe later then")

# the sunny and rainy variables allow the program associate a value with the object
if weather_values == Sunny :
     player_startPoint =+ 1
else :
    player_startPoint =- 1

#for weather_values in range(1) :
    #player_startPoint + 1
#else :
#    player_startPoint - 1'

while player_startPoint < 3 :
     Ask_string = input("Ask about the weather? (Yes/No): ")

if player_startPoint == 3 :
     print(" Congrats! You've weathered the storm! ") 

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 20 апреля 2020

Ваше время l oop просто просит игрока снова и снова ничего не делать. Вы должны определить функцию и вызвать эту функцию в то время как l oop после ввода пользователя. была ошибка с вашим синтаксисом, когда вы добавляете или вычитаете один из player_startPoint см. комментарии к коду.

Это заставит ваш l oop работать так, как задумано, но ваша игра все еще застрянет в бесконечном l oop так как вы добавляете 1, то вычитайте 1 из player_startPoint каждого l oop

Этот код не очень хорош, есть выделение, которое вы можете сделать, чтобы сделать его лучше. исследование Функции для начала.

# import random and set the range of values between 1 & 2 
# remember that zero is the default lowest number when i+1
import pygame 
import random
i = int
weather_values = random.randint(1,2)

# These values are used later to define the game state the user will encounter, if sunny move forward +1; if rainy move backwards -1
# These are most of the variables in general 
Sunny = int = 1
Rainy = int = 2
player_startPoint = 0

# These values will later be replaced once I figure out how to negate case sensitive
yes =  str  
Yes = str
yes == Yes
no = str
No = str
No == no

# This prompt starts the game 
print("This is the weather game")
# this input is redundent you only ned to call it in the loop
# Ask_string = input("Ask about the weather? (Yes/No): ")

weather_values == Sunny == 1
weather_values == Rainy == 2

#define a function to call when the user inputs an answer
def checkWeather():
    global player_startPoint  #make player_startPoint global so it can be accessed from within the function
    if weather_values == Sunny:
        player_startPoint + 1
    else :
        weather_values == Rainy
        player_startPoint - 1

    #The value Ask_string prompts the program to run the mathRand command to get a value of 1 or 2 that print out the weather assigned to either number
    if Ask_string == "yes" or "Yes":

    #Here we intitute the mathRand function to give the player insight and give them 
    # An input choice to proceed or stay put based on the forcast

    # Printing the variable random abides by the range set and will give you a desired output, 
    # However, I am not sure if random and weather_values will indentify to the same value going forward if just random is used.  
        print (weather_values)

            print("Maybe later then")

    # the sunny and rainy variables allow the program associate a value with the object
    if weather_values == Sunny :
        player_startPoint += 1 # =+ is an invalid syntax it should be +=
    else :
        player_startPoint -= 1 # =+ is an invalid syntax it should be +=

    #for weather_values in range(1) :
        #player_startPoint + 1
    #else :
    #    player_startPoint - 1'

while player_startPoint < 3 :
     Ask_string = input("Ask about the weather? (Yes/No): ")
     checkWeather() # call checkWeather function after user input

if player_startPoint == 3 :
     print(" Congrats! You've weathered the storm! ") 