- Код возвращает пустой массив
- Хранимая процедура работает правильно в Azure с точно такими же параметрами
- Код php правильно выполняет все остальные мои хранимые процедуры
Я не могу понять, что может быть причиной того, что этот SP ничего не возвращает, только когда он проходит через php / sqlsrv. Есть идеи ??
Мой php:
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
$serverName = "tcp:example.database.windows.net,1433";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"Whitecap", "UID"=>"example", "PWD"=>"example", "CharacterSet"=>"UTF-8");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo );
$arg1 = 'ES04';
$arg2 = '1';
$output = '';
$call = "{CALL uspGetSegmentInfo (?,?) }";
$params = [
[&$output, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT],
$result = sqlsrv_query($conn, $call, $params);
$array = [];
while($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result, SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC)) {
$obj = new stdClass;
$obj->id = $row[1];
$obj->name = $row[0];
$array[] = $obj;
echo json_encode($array);
Мой SQL:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspGetSegmentInfo] @TripNumber varchar(10), @SegmentNumber int
-- Segment data
declare @Segments Table (Sequence int, [Segment Type] varchar(20))
declare @SegmentType varchar(20)
insert @Segments exec uspGetTripSegments @TripNumber
select @SegmentType = [Segment Type] from @Segments where Sequence = @SegmentNumber
-- Departure Port
IF @SegmentType = 'Departure Port'
select (select [port name] from [PORT DETAIL] pd where pd.[PORT ID] = ptd.[PORT ID]) as 'PORT NAME',
(select dd.[dock name] from [DOCK DETAIL] dd where dd.[DOCK ID] = ptd.[DOCK ID]) as 'DOCK NAME'
from [PORT TRIP DETAIL] ptd where [TRIP NUMBER] = @TripNumber and [PORT SEQUENCE] = @SegmentNumber
-- Load/Discharge Port (INCOMPLETE)
ELSE IF @SegmentType = 'Load Port' OR @SegmentType = 'Discharge Port'
declare @CargoPortInfo table ([PORT NAME] varchar(50),[DOCK NAME] varchar(50),CUSTOMER varchar(50),[CARGO TYPE] varchar(50),[CARGO SUB TYPE] varchar(50),TONNAGE varchar(20),LAYTIME VARCHAR(10),[EXPECTED DURATION] varchar(10))
declare @NumberCargos int
declare @PortName varchar(50)
declare @DockName varchar(50)
declare @Customer varchar(50)
declare @CargoType varchar(50)
declare @CargoSubType varchar(50)
declare @Tonnage varchar(20)
declare @Laytime varchar (10)
declare @Duration varchar(10)
declare @CurrentCargoID int
declare @i int
-- Get number of cargos for this port
select @NumberCargos = count(distinct [cargo detail id]) from [cargo event detail] where [TRIP NUMBER] = @TripNumber and [CARGO SEQUENCE] = @SegmentNumber
-- Loop through cargos
set @i = 1
while @i < (@NumberCargos + 1)
select @CurrentCargoID = [cargo detail id] from [cargo event detail] where [TRIP NUMBER] = @TripNumber and [CARGO SEQUENCE] = @SegmentNumber and [SOURCE CARGO ID] = @i
-- Port Name
select @PortName = (select [port name] from [PORT DETAIL] pd where pd.[PORT ID] = ptd.[PORT ID]) from [PORT TRIP DETAIL] ptd where [TRIP NUMBER] = @TripNumber and [PORT SEQUENCE] = @SegmentNumber
-- Dock Name
select @DockName = (select dd.[dock name] from [DOCK DETAIL] dd where dd.[DOCK ID] = ptd.[DOCK ID]) from [PORT TRIP DETAIL] ptd where [TRIP NUMBER] = @TripNumber and [PORT SEQUENCE] = @SegmentNumber
-- Customer
select @Customer = (select cd.[CUSTOMER NAME] from [CUSTOMER DETAIL] cd where cd.[CUSTOMER ID] = crd.[CUSTOMER ID]) from [CARGO DETAIL] crd where crd.[cargo detail id] = @CurrentCargoID
-- Cargo type
select @CargoType = (select ct.[CARGO TYPE NAME] from [CARGO TYPE] ct where ct.[CARGO TYPE ID] = crd.[CARGO TYPE ID]) from [CARGO DETAIL] crd where crd.[cargo detail id] = @CurrentCargoID
-- Cargo sub type
select @CargoSubType = (select cst.[CARGO SUB TYPE NAME] from [CARGO SUB TYPE] cst where cst.[CARGO SUB TYPE ID] = crd.[CARGO SUB TYPE ID]) from [CARGO DETAIL] crd where crd.[cargo detail id] = @CurrentCargoID
-- Tonnage
select @Tonnage = concat(format(convert(decimal(10,2),[EXPECTED TONNAGE]),'#,#'),' ',[EXPECTED TONNAGE UNITS]) from [CARGO EVENT DETAIL] ced where ced.[TRIP NUMBER] = @TripNumber and ced.[CARGO SEQUENCE] = @SegmentNumber and ced.[CARGO DETAIL ID] = @CurrentCargoID
-- Laytime
select @Laytime = concat([LAYTIME RATE],' ',[LAYTIME RATE UNITS]) from [CARGO EVENT DETAIL] ced where ced.[TRIP NUMBER] = @TripNumber and ced.[CARGO SEQUENCE] = @SegmentNumber and ced.[CARGO DETAIL ID] = @CurrentCargoID
-- Get cargo laytime allowance in hours
select @Duration = convert(decimal(10,5),[cargo load time]) from [CARGO EVENT DETAIL] ced where ced.[TRIP NUMBER] = @TripNumber and ced.[CARGO SEQUENCE] = @SegmentNumber and ced.[CARGO DETAIL ID] = @CurrentCargoID
-- Format duration
set @Duration = dbo.getFormattedDuration(@Duration,'H')
insert into @CargoPortInfo values (@PortName,@DockName,@Customer,@CargoType,@CargoSubType,@Tonnage,@Laytime,@Duration)
set @i = @i + 1
-- Return merged list
select * from @CargoPortInfo
-- Sailing Segment
-- Grab total sailing time in minutes
select @Duration = sum([standard time minute]) from [SAILING SEGMENT DETAIL] ssd where ssd.[SAILING TRIP ID] = (select [sailing trip id] from [sailing trip detail] where [TRIP NUMBER] = @TripNumber and [SAILING SEQUENCE] = @SegmentNumber)
-- Convert to display format
set @Duration = dbo.getFormattedDuration(@Duration,'M')
select (select [port name] from [PORT DETAIL] pd where pd.[PORT ID] = std.[starting PORT ID]) as 'START PORT',
(select pd.[port name] from [port DETAIL] pd where pd.[PORT ID] = std.[ending port ID]) as 'END PORT',
(select @Duration) as 'EXPECTED DURATION'
from [SAILING TRIP DETAIL] std where [TRIP NUMBER] = @TripNumber and [SAILING SEQUENCE] = @SegmentNumber
Я не уверен, что еще я могу добавить сюда. Stackoverflow не позволяет мне публиковать, потому что ему не нравится соотношение текста к коду: | Так вот почему это здесь:)