Я делаю двумерную игру, в которой пользователь может отстреливать врагов и набирать очки. До сих пор я добавил границы к уровню, а также обнаружение столкновений между игроком и указанными границами. Когда игрок нажимает «w», пользователь стреляет пулей. Без меня, устанавливающего границы, пуля появляется в центре спрайта игроков. С установленными границами пули, кажется, увеличивают высоту от игрока, когда порождены; когда игрок движется влево от экрана. Наоборот, когда игрок двигается вправо.
Первый класс:
Public Class Bullet
Inherits PictureBox 'this class is a variation of a picture box
Public Sub New() 'every time bullet is accessed it will access this sub as well
With Me 'refers back to anything in the class
.Height = 5
.Width = 2
.Location = PlayScreen.PlayerShip.Location 'sets the bullets start point to the ship
.BackColor = Color.White
.SetBounds(x:=PlayScreen.PlayerShip.Left, y:=PlayScreen.PlayerShip.Left, height:=5, width:=2)
End With
End Sub
Public Sub ShootUp()
Me.Top -= 10 'Males the bullet move upwards
End Sub
End Class
Остальная часть моего кода:
Public Class PlayScreen
Public Shared PlayerShip As New PictureBox 'defines the ship as a picture box
Dim WallNorth As New PictureBox
Dim WallSouth As New PictureBox
Dim WallEast As New PictureBox 'these will be given collision detection to check if the player is trying to exit the boundires of the level
Dim WallWest As New PictureBox
Dim Bullets(-1) As Bullet 'makes the array have nothing in it
Dim BulletCounter As Integer 'used to make new bullets
Dim MoveRight As Boolean = False
Dim MoveLeft As Boolean = False 'Making movement based upon boolean factors allows for more user friendly controls
Dim MoveUp As Boolean = False
Dim MoveDown As Boolean = False
Dim PUHealth As New PictureBox
Dim Health As Integer
Dim Score As Integer
Private Sub PlayScreen_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Health = 3
HealthLbl.Text = "Health: " & Health
Score = 0
ScoreLbl.Text = "Score: " & Score
PUHealth.Width = 25
PUHealth.Height = 25
PUHealth.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
PUHealth.BackColor = Color.Yellow
PUHealth.Top = Me.Height / 2 - 100
PUHealth.Left = Me.Width / 2 - 100
PUHealth.SetBounds(x:=Me.Height / 2 - 100, y:=Me.Width / 2 - 100, height:=25, width:=25)
Me.Controls.Add(PlayerShip) 'imports the picture box onto the PlayScreen
PlayerShip.Width = 40
PlayerShip.Height = 40 'Dimensions of the player ship
PlayerShip.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle 'adds a border to the picturebox
PlayerShip.BackColor = Color.White 'adds colour to the ship background
PlayerShip.SetBounds(x:=Me.Left, y:=Me.Top, height:=40, width:=40)
WallNorth.Width = 750
WallNorth.Height = 5
WallNorth.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle 'this is defining the wall at the top of the screen, setting its positions as well as its bounds
WallNorth.BackColor = Color.Green
WallNorth.Top = 1
WallNorth.Left = 1
WallNorth.SetBounds(x:=1, y:=1, height:=5, width:=750)
WallEast.Width = 5
WallEast.Height = 750
WallEast.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle 'This defines the wall at the right of the screen, setting its position as well as its bounds
WallEast.BackColor = Color.Green
WallEast.Top = 1
WallEast.Left = 545
WallEast.SetBounds(x:=545, y:=1, width:=5, height:=750)
WallSouth.Width = 750
WallSouth.Height = 5
WallSouth.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
WallSouth.BackColor = Color.Green
WallSouth.Top = 574
WallSouth.Left = 1
WallSouth.SetBounds(x:=1, y:=573, width:=750, height:=5)
WallWest.Width = 5
WallWest.Height = 750
WallWest.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
WallWest.BackColor = Color.Green
WallWest.Top = 1
WallWest.Left = 1
End Sub
Private Sub PlayScreen_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
Select Case e.KeyValue
Case Keys.Right
MoveRight = True
Case Keys.Left
MoveLeft = True 'This edits the boolean value of the varibales when the correct key is pressed
Case Keys.Up
MoveUp = True
Case Keys.Down
MoveDown = True
Case Keys.W
ReDim Preserve Bullets(BulletCounter) 'allows the array to expand more efficiently
Dim Bullet1 As New Bullet 'creates new bullet
Controls.Add(Bullet1) 'adds bullet to the screen
Bullets(BulletCounter) = Bullet1 'the new space created in the array is saved as the new bullet made
BulletCounter += 1
ShootUpTimer.Start() 'starts the shoot timer
End Select
While WallNorth.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds)
PlayerShip.Top += 5
End While
While WallEast.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds) 'I have to check if the player has collided with the wall when the key is down
PlayerShip.Left -= 5
End While
While WallSouth.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds)
PlayerShip.Top -= 5
End While
While WallWest.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds)
PlayerShip.Left += 5
End While
If PUHealth.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds) Then 'checks if the player has collided with the the power up
If PUHealth.Visible() Then 'This stops a bug where the player could go to the spot where the power up use to be and collect health
Health += 1 'increaeses the players health by one
HealthLbl.Text = "Health: " & Health 'displays the new player health
PUHealth.Hide() 'hides the power up
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PlayScreen_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyUp
Select Case e.KeyValue
Case Keys.Right
MoveRight = False
Case Keys.Left
MoveLeft = False 'This edits the boolean value when the key has been lifted
Case Keys.Up
MoveUp = False
Case Keys.Down
MoveDown = False
End Select
While WallNorth.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds)
PlayerShip.Top += 5
End While
While WallEast.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds) 'i have to check if the player collides with a wall while the key is down
PlayerShip.Left -= 5
End While
While WallSouth.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds)
PlayerShip.Top -= 5
End While
If PUHealth.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds) Then
If PUHealth.Visible() Then
Health += 1
HealthLbl.Text = "Health: " & Health
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MovementTimer_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MovementTimer.Tick
If MoveRight = True Then
PlayerShip.Left += 5
End If
If MoveLeft = True Then
PlayerShip.Left -= 5
End If
If MoveUp = True Then
PlayerShip.Top -= 5 ' I use a timer to tick every 10 milliseconds ato check the states of each key, this statement controlls the execution of the direction
End If
If MoveDown = True Then
PlayerShip.Top += 5
End If
While WallNorth.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds)
PlayerShip.Top += 5
End While
While WallEast.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds) 'i check if the player is collided with the wall whilst the timer ticks because the player could not collide with the wall every 20 milliseconds
PlayerShip.Left -= 5
End While
While WallSouth.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds)
PlayerShip.Top -= 5
End While
While WallWest.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds)
PlayerShip.Left += 5
End While
If PUHealth.Bounds.IntersectsWith(PlayerShip.Bounds) Then
If PUHealth.Visible() Then
Health += 1
HealthLbl.Text = "Health: " & Health
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PUHealthTimer_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PUHealthTimer.Tick
If PUHealth.Visible() Then 'checks if the health power up i visible
Else 'if not the coordinates are randomised and then displayerd
PUHealth.Top = ((500 * Rnd()) + 10)
PUHealth.Left = ((500 * Rnd()) + 10)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ShootTimerUp_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ShootUpTimer.Tick
For x = 0 To Bullets.Length - 1 'to check every position within the array apart from the newest
End Sub
End Class
Что мне нужно изменить чтобы пули стреляли с середины, с вершины корабля.