controlMainForm = getMainForm()
AddressList = getAddressList()
if getCEVersion == nil or getCEVersion() < 6.5 then
messageDialog('It is recommended to use at least Cheat Engine 6.7! (Your Version: '..getCEVersion()..')', mtError, mbOK)
DefaultProccessName = "Killer7Win.exe"
strings_add(getAutoAttachList(), DefaultProccessName)
function cycleFullCompact(sender,force)
local state = not(compactmenuitem.Caption == 'Compact View Mode')
if force~=nil then state = not force end
compactmenuitem.Caption = state and 'Compact View Mode' or 'Full View Mode'
getMainForm().Splitter1.Visible = state
getMainForm().Panel4.Visible = state
getMainForm().Panel5.Visible = state
function addCompactMenu()
if compactmenualreadyexists then return end
local parent = getMainForm().Menu.Items
compactmenuitem = createMenuItem(parent); parent.add(compactmenuitem)
compactmenuitem.Caption = 'Compact View Mode'
compactmenuitem.OnClick = cycleFullCompact
compactmenualreadyexists = 'yes'
cycleFullCompact(nil, true)
PROCESS_NAME = 'Killer7Win.exe'
-------- Auto Attach
local autoAttachTimer = nil ---- variable to hold timer object
local autoAttachTimerInterval = 100 ---- Timer intervals are in milliseconds
local autoAttachTimerTicks = 0 ---- variable to count number of times the timer has run
local autoAttachTimerTickMax = 5000 ---- Set to zero to disable ticks max
local function autoAttachTimer_tick(timer) ---- Timer tick call back
---- Destroy timer if max ticks is reached
if autoAttachTimerTickMax > 0 and autoAttachTimerTicks >= autoAttachTimerTickMax then
---- Check if process is running
if getProcessIDFromProcessName(PROCESS_NAME) ~= nil then
timer.destroy() ---- Destroy timer
openProcess(PROCESS_NAME) ---- Open the process
getAddressList().getMemoryRecordByDescription("Mask Powerup (00 is default, 01 is Encounter 1, 02 is
Alter Ego, 03 is Smile 2)").active=true
getAddressList().getMemoryRecordByDescription("Dan Powerup (00 is default, 01 is Demon
getAddressList().getMemoryRecordByDescription("Garcian Powerup (00 is default, 01 is Golden
getAddressList().getMemoryRecordByDescription("HS kill requirements. set it to 00 00 0F FF to never
have to kill a Smile to unlock someone").active=true
getAddressList().getMemoryRecordByDescription("Char TV. Set it to 00 00 FF FF to unlock
autoAttachTimerTicks = autoAttachTimerTicks + 1 ---- Increase ticks
autoAttachTimer = createTimer(getMainForm()) ---- Create timer with the main form as it's parent
autoAttachTimer.Interval = autoAttachTimerInterval ---- Set timer interval
autoAttachTimer.OnTimer = autoAttachTimer_tick ---- Set timer tick call back
выше - сценарий lua, проблема в том, что я получаю эту ошибку, когда запускаю игру, а затем чит-таблицу>
Ошибка: [string "controlMainForm = getMainForm () ... "]: 55: попытка индексировать нулевое значение
также необходимо решение для ввода значений, это то, как ct выглядит в возвышенном тексте>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CheatTable CheatEngineTableVersion="29">
<Description>"Mask Powerup (00 is default, 01 is Encounter 1, 02 is Alter Ego, 03 is Smile 2)"
<LastState Value="03" Activated="1" RealAddress="00D52F56"/>
<Description>"Dan Powerup (00 is default, 01 is Demon Gun)"</Description>
<LastState Value="1" Activated="1" RealAddress="00D52F55"/>
<Description>"Garcian Powerup (00 is default, 01 is Golden Gun)"</Description>
<LastState Value="1" Activated="1" RealAddress="00D52F54"/>
<Description>"HS kill requirements. set it to 00 00 0F FF to never have to kill a Smile to
unlock someone "</Description>
<LastState Value="00000FFF" Activated="1" RealAddress="00D53284"/>
<VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Char TV. Set it to 00 00 FF FF to unlock everyone."</Description>
<LastState Value="0000FFFF" Activated="1" RealAddress="00D53288"/>
<VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
, пожалуйста, помогите мне ребята, я в моих концах остроумие с этим