Посмотрите на код ниже. Это на стороне сервера. Как вы видите, я вызываю API Google ReCaptcha с неверным секретным ключом и неверным ответом токена пользователя. Знаешь что? Оно работает! Точнее: Google ReCaptcha API не отвечает без исключения (, т.е.: my catch
не достигнуто). Почему? Это не ожидаемое поведение, верно?
* Verifies a Recaptcha filled by the user in his Android app.
* 1. Success: returns the JSON response
* 2. Failure: throws the error
exports.verifyRecaptcha = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
const user_response_token = data.userResponseToken;
if(user_response_token === null || user_response_token === '') {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('invalid-argument', 'The function must be called with an adequat user response token.');
const remote_url = 'https://recaptcha.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify';
const secret = '<MY_REAL_SECRET_KEY>'; // Original value: 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify'; # Moises' value: https://recaptcha.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify
var options = {
method: 'POST',
uri: remote_url,
body: {secret: 'Foo', response: 'Bar'},
// body: {secret: secret, response: user_response_token},
json: true
return rp(options)
.then(parsedBody => {
return {code: 'Success', message: 'You are actually a human (this msg is for test purposes).'};
.catch(error => {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('unknown', error);
А ниже код приложения Android:
final SafetyNetApi.RecaptchaTokenResponse response = task.getResult();
assert response != null;
final String userResponseToken = response.getTokenResult();
if (!userResponseToken.isEmpty()) {
final HashMap<String, String> the_data = new HashMap<>();
the_data.put("userResponseToken", userResponseToken);
.continueWith(new Continuation<HttpsCallableResult, Void>() {
public Void then(@NonNull final Task<HttpsCallableResult> task) {
if(context.isDestroyed() || context.isFinishing()) {
return null;
if(!task.isSuccessful()) {
Exception e = task.getException();
if (e instanceof FirebaseFunctionsException) {
FirebaseFunctionsException ffe = (FirebaseFunctionsException) e;
return null;
return null;
} else {