Как видно из пи c ниже. Существует разрыв между note
и контекстом.
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/ct9wH.png)
Код, который я использовал ниже. Есть идеи, чтобы избавиться от разрыва?
kable(summarize(df.sum, group = "Experiment", test = T, digits = 1, show.NAs = F),
row.names = F, caption = 'Summary Statistics for Treated and Control Groups',
booktabs = T) %>% kable_styling(latex_options = c('striped', 'hold_position')) %>%
footnote(general = 'DM8OZ indicates the daily max 8-hour ozone concentration;
Daily_PM2.5 is the daily average of PM2.5; Tavg is the daily average temperature;
Prcp is the daily accumulated precipitation. The last column in the table represents the testing results of null
hypotheses that the treated and control groups are not statistically different. ',
footnote_as_chunk = T, threeparttable = T, fixed_small_size = T)