Двоичное дерево поиска с родителем - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 23 апреля 2020

Я пытаюсь изменить двоичное представление дерева поиска так, чтобы каждый узел содержал дополнительный атрибут parent. Мой код имеет BSTInterface, как указано.

Вот интерфейс, который я реализую:

package chapter7;

 * @author Guangming Xing, updated Uta Ziegler
 * @param <K>  the unique key use to store and find elements in the binary search tree
 * @param <T>  the elements stored in the binary search tree
public interface BSTInterface<K,T> {
     * Inserts the  element with the specified key in the tree if the binary search 
     * tree does not already contains an entry with the specified key
     * @param  key  the unique identifier for the element
     * @param  element the element
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException key or element is null.
    void insert(K key, T element);

     * Removes the element with the specified key from the binary search tree.
     * @param  the unique key of the element to be deleted
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException key is null.
    T remove(K key);

     * Find the element with the specified key in the binary search tree and return it
     * @param  the unique key of the element to be deleted
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException key is null.
    T find(K key);

     * Determine whether the specified key is in the binary search tree and return 
     * tru or false
     * @param  the unique key of the element to be looked for
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException key is null.
    boolean contains (K key);

     * Returns the number of elements in the binary search tree.
    int size();

     * Computes the complete path from the root to the key in the BST.
     * Returns the list of keys from root to the node(inclusive) that contains key.
     * If the key is not in the BST, return null.
    List<K> accessPath(K key);

Вот мое решение до сих пор:

 import java.util.*;

   class BinarySearchTreeWithParent implements BSTInterface{
   // BST node
   static class Node {
   int key;
   Node left, right, parent;

   static Node root;
   // Utitlity function to create a new node
   public static Node newNode(int data){
   Node temp = new Node();

   temp.key = data;

   temp.left = null;
   temp.right = null;

   return temp;

   static Node insert(int key, Node root){
   // Create a new Node containing
   // the new element
   Node newnode = newNode(key);

   // Pointer to start traversing from root and
   // traverses downward path to search
   // where the new node to be inserted
   Node x = root;

   // Pointer y maintains the trailing
   // pointer of x
   Node y = null;

   while (x != null) {
   y = x;
   if (key < x.key)
   x = x.left;
   x = x.right;
   newnode.parent = y;
   // If the root is null i.e the tree is empty
   // The new node is the root node
   if (y == null)
   y = newnode;

   // If the new key is less then the leaf node key
   // Assign the new node to be its left child
   else if (key < y.key)
   y.left = newnode;

   // else assign the new node its right child
   else if (key > y.key)
   y.right = newnode;

   // Returns the pointer where the
   // new node is inserted
   return y;

   // Helper function to find minimum value node in subtree rooted at curr
      public static Node minimumKey(Node curr)
          while(curr.left != null) {
              curr = curr.left;
          return curr;

   // Function to delete node from a BST
      public static Node deleteNode(Node root, int key)
          // pointer to store parent node of current node
          Node parent = null;

          // start with root node
          Node curr = root;

          // search key in BST and set its parent pointer
          while (curr != null && curr.data != key){
              // update parent node as current node
              parent = curr;

              // if given key is less than the current node, go to left subtree
              // else go to right subtree
              if (key < curr.data) {
                  curr = curr.left;
              else {
                  curr = curr.right;

          // return if key is not found in the tree
          if (curr == null) {
              return root;

          // Case 1: node to be deleted has no children i.e. it is a leaf node
          if (curr.left == null && curr.right == null)
              // if node to be deleted is not a root node, then set its
              // parent left/right child to null
              if (curr != root) {
                  if (parent.left == curr) {
                      parent.left = null;
                  } else {
                      parent.right = null;
              // if tree has only root node, delete it and set root to null
              else {
                  root = null;

          // Case 2: node to be deleted has two children
          else if (curr.left != null && curr.right != null)
              // find its in-order successor node
              Node successor = minimumKey(curr.right);

              // store successor value
              int val = successor.data;

              // recursively delete the successor. Note that the successor
              // will have at-most one child (right child)
              deleteNode(root, successor.data);

              // Copy the value of successor to current node
              curr.data = val;

          // node to be deleted has only one child
              // find child node
              Node child = (curr.left != null)? curr.left: curr.right;

              // if node to be deleted is not a root node, then set its parent
              // to its child
              if (curr != root)
                  if (curr == parent.left) {
                      parent.left = child;
                  } else {
                      parent.right = child;

              // if node to be deleted is root node, then set the root to child
              else {
                  root = child;

          return root;

   // Iterative function to search in given BST
      public static boolean contains(int key) {
          // start with root node
          Node curr = root;

          // pointer to store parent node of current node
          Node parent = null;

          // traverse the tree and search for the key
          while (curr != null && curr.data != key){
              // update parent node as current node
              parent = curr;

              // if given key is less than the current node, go to left subtree
              // else go to right subtree
              if (key < curr.data) {
                  curr = curr.left;
              } else {
                  curr = curr.right;

          // if key is not present in the key
          if (curr == null)
              return false;

              return true;


      public static Node find(int key) {
          // start with root node
          Node curr = root;

          // pointer to store parent node of current node
          Node parent = null;

          // traverse the tree and search for the key
          while (curr != null && curr.data != key){
              // update parent node as current node
              parent = curr;

              // if given key is less than the current node, go to left subtree
              // else go to right subtree
              if (key < curr.data) {
                  curr = curr.left;
              } else {
                  curr = curr.right;

          // if key is not present in the key
          if (curr == null) {
              return null;

          if (parent == null)
              return key;

          return parent.data;


   // return size of tree
   public static int size(){
   if (root == null)
   return 0;

   // Using level order Traversal.
   Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();

   int count = 1;
   while (!q.isEmpty())
   Node tmp = q.poll();

   // when the queue is empty:
   // the poll() method returns null.
   if (tmp != null){
      if (tmp.left != null){
   // Increment count

   // Enqueue left child
   if (tmp.right != null){
   // Increment count

   // Enqueue left child

   return count;

   // Pair class
   class Pair<U, V>
      public final U first;    // first field of a Pair
      public final V second;     // second field of a Pair

      // Constructs a new Pair with specified values
      private Pair(U first, V second)
          this.first = first;
          this.second = second;

      // Factory method for creating a Typed Pair immutable instance
      public static <U, V> Pair <U, V> of(U a, V b)
          // calls private constructor
          return new Pair<>(a, b);

   public static ArrayList<Integer> ListaccessPath(int key)
      ArrayList<Integer> arr = new ArrayList<>();
          // create an empty stack to store a pair of tree node and
          // its path from the root node
          Deque<Pair<Node, String>> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();

          // push root node
          stack.add(Pair.of(root, ""));

          // loop till stack is not empty
          while (!stack.isEmpty())
              // we pop a node from the stack and push the data to output stack
              Pair<Node, String> pair = stack.poll();

              // fetch current node
              Node curr = pair.first;
              String path = pair.second;

              // add current node to the existing path
              String separator = (path.equals("")) ? "\n" : " -> ";
              path += (separator + curr.data);

              // if leaf node, print the path
              if (curr.key == key) {
                  return arr;

              // push left and right child of popped node to the stack
              if (curr.right != null) {
                  stack.add(Pair.of(curr.right, path));

              if (curr.left != null) {
                  stack.add(Pair.of(curr.left, path));
          return arr;

Однако я получаю несколько ошибок относительно реализации интерфейса, не являющегося типом.

Вот мои ошибки:

BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 5: BSTInterface cannot be resolved to a type
BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 87: data cannot be resolved or is not a field
BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 93: data cannot be resolved or is not a field
BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 131: data cannot be resolved or is not a field
BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 135: data cannot be resolved or is not a field
BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 138: data cannot be resolved or is not a field
BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 177: data cannot be resolved or is not a field
BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 183: data cannot be resolved or is not a field
BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 206: data cannot be resolved or is not a field
BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 212: data cannot be resolved or is not a field
BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 225: Type mismatch: cannot convert from int to BinarySearchTreeWithParent.Node
BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 227: data cannot be resolved or is not a field
BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 283: The method of cannot be declared static; static methods can only be declared in a static or top level type
BinarySearchTreeWithParent.java - Line 313: data cannot be resolved or is not a field
BSTInterface.java - Line 59: List cannot be resolved to a type