Я работаю над проектом автономного робота GPS. Когда я запускаю приведенный ниже код через некоторое время, esp32 (devkit v1) перезагружается, и это повторяется.
Pause for Startup... 3
Pause for Startup... 2
Pause for Startup... 1
Searching for Satellites
Searching for Satellites
GPS Waypoint 1 Set Waypoint #1: 0.000000 , 0.000000
Waypoint #2: 0.000000 , 0.000000
5 Satellites Acquired10.190620
Go to Waypoint
E (98333) task_wdt: Task watchdog got triggered. The following tasks did not reset the watchdog in time:
E (98333) task_wdt: - async_tcp (CPU 0/1)
E (98333) task_wdt: Tasks currently running:
E (98333) task_wdt: CPU 0: IDLE0
E (98333) task_wdt: CPU 1: async_tcp
E (98333) task_wdt: Aborting.
abort() was called at PC 0x400de07b on core 0
Backtrace: 0x4008cbf8:0x3ffbe170 0x4008ce29:0x3ffbe190 0x400de07b:0x3ffbe1b0 0x40084f01:0x3ffbe1d0 0x40148e07:0x3ffbc0d0 0x400df42b:0x3ffbc0f0 0x4008ab01:0x3ffbc110 0x4008930d:0x3ffbc130
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400806ac
Autonmous Mode Initiated...
IP Address:
Compass setting done
iam here1
Pause for Startup...
Pause for Startup... 10
Pause for Startup... 9
Pause for Startup... 8
Go to Waypoint
Pause for Startup... 7
Pause for Startup... 6
Pause for Startup... 5
Pause for Startup... 4
Pause for Startup... 3
E (10128) task_wdt: Task watchdog got triggered. The following tasks did not reset the watchdog in time:
E (10128) task_wdt: - async_tcp (CPU 0)
E (10128) task_wdt: Tasks currently running:
E (10128) task_wdt: CPU 0: Tmr Svc
E (10128) task_wdt: CPU 1: IDLE1
E (10128) task_wdt: Aborting.
abort() was called at PC 0x400de07b on core 0
Backtrace: 0x4008cbf8:0x3ffbe170 0x4008ce29:0x3ffbe190 0x400de07b:0x3ffbe1b0 0x40084f01:0x3ffbe1d0 0x4000bfed:0x3ffbd060 0x4008a489:0x3ffbd070 0x400827d1:0x3ffbd090 0x40082843:0x3ffbd0b0 0x4008b825:0x3ffbd0d0 0x4008b924:0x3ffbd100 0x4008930d:0x3ffbd130
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
Это сообщение, которое отображается на последовательном мониторе. Я попытался отладить, но не могу понять, почему это происходит.
Код действительно большой, поэтому я загрузил только его часть.
// CompaSerial Variables & Setup
HMC5883L compass;
int16_t mx, my, mz; // variables to store x,y,z axis from compass (HMC5883L)
int desired_heading; // initialize variable - stores value for the new desired heading
int compass_heading; // initialize variable - stores value calculated from compass readings
int compass_dev = 5; // the amount of deviation that is allowed in the compass heading - Adjust as Needed
// setting this variable too low will cause the robot to continuously pivot left and right
// setting this variable too high will cause the robot to veer off course
int Heading_A; // variable to store compass heading
int Heading_B; // variable to store compass heading in Opposite direction
int pass = 0; // variable to store which paSerial the robot is on
// GPS Locations
unsigned long Distance_To_Home; // variable for storing the distance to destination
int ac =0; // GPS array counter
int wpCount = 0; // GPS waypoint counter
double Home_LATarray[2]; // variable for storing the destination Latitude - Only Programmed for 5 waypoint
double Home_LONarray[2]; // variable for storing the destination Longitude - up to 50 waypoints
int increment = 0;
// HTML Page
AsyncWebServer server(80);
const char* ssid = "******";
const char* password = "******";
const char* PARAM_INPUT_1 = "input1";
const char* PARAM_INPUT_2 = "input2";
const char* PARAM_INPUT_3 = "input3";
const char* PARAM_INPUT_4 = "input4";
const char* PARAM_COMMIT = "commit";
double lati1;
double logi1;
double lati2;
double logi2;
// HTML web page to handle 4 input fields
const char index_html[] PROGMEM = R"rawliteral(
<h2>Autonomus GPS Robot Car<h2>
<h3> Submit your Destination coordinates</h3>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
a {
border: 10px solid powderblue;
padding: 10px;
color: red;
font-family: verdana;
font-size: 150%;
<form action="/get" >
Waypoint 1 Latitude : <input type="text" name="input1">
Waypoint 1 Longitude: <input type="text" name="input2">
Waypoint 2 Latitude : <input type="text" name="input3">
Waypoint 2 Longitude: <input type="text" name="input4">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<a href="/go" >Go to Destination</a>
<br><br> <br><br>
<a href="/clear" > Clear waypoints</a>
void notFound(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
request->send(404, "text/plain", "Not found");
// Extras
#define autopilot 18
void gesturecontroll();
void getGPS();
void getCompass();
void Forward();
void Forward_Meter();
void Reverse();
void LeftTurn();
void RightTurn();
void SlowLeftTurn();
void SlowRightTurn();
void StopCar();
void setWaypoint();
void move();
void Startup();
void goWaypoint();
void clearWaypoints();
int blueToothVal;
int flag=0;
int button;
void setup()
{ Serial.begin(115200); // Serial 0 is for communication with the computer
pinMode(autopilot, INPUT);
button = digitalRead(autopilot);
if (button == HIGH)
{ flag=15;
Serial.println("Manual Control initated");
Serial.println("ESPNow/Basic/Slave Example");
//Set device in AP mode to begin with
// configure device AP mode
// This is the mac address of the Slave in AP Mode
esp_wifi_set_mac(ESP_IF_WIFI_STA, &mac[0]);
Serial.print("AP MAC: "); Serial.println(WiFi.softAPmacAddress());
// Init ESPNow with a fallback logic
if (esp_now_init()!=0)
Serial.println("*** ESP_Now init failed");
while(true) {};
// Once ESPNow is successfully Init, we will register for recv CB to
// get recv packer info.
Serial.print("Aheloiioi"); // the remaining code for above part is not uploaded since when switch is pulled this part of code works perfectly
S2.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, RXPin, TXPin); // Serial 2 is for GPS communication at 9600 baud - DO NOT MODIFY - Ublox Neo 6m
// pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // An LED indicator - Not Used
Serial.println("Autonmous Mode Initiated...");
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
if (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi Failed!");
Serial.print("IP Address: ");
Wire.begin(); // Join I2C bus used for the HMC5883L compass
compass.begin(); // initialize the compass (HMC5883L)
compass.setRange(HMC5883L_RANGE_1_3GA); // Set measurement range
compass.setMeasurementMode(HMC5883L_CONTINOUS); // Set measurement mode
compass.setDataRate(HMC5883L_DATARATE_30HZ); // Set data rate
compass.setSamples(HMC5883L_SAMPLES_8); // Set number of samples averaged
Serial.println("Compass setting done");
Startup(); // Run the Startup procedure on power-up one time
// Main Loop
void loop()
{ button = digitalRead(autopilot);
if (button == HIGH && flag==15)
{ Coordinates();
getGPS(); // Update the GPS location
getCompass(); // Update the CompaSerial Heading
//Ping(); // Use at your own discretion, this is not fully tested
void Coordinates()
{ Serial.println("i am here1");
// Send web page with input fields to client
server.on("/", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
request->send_P(200, "text/html", index_html);
// Send a GET request to <ESP_IP>/get?input1=<inputMessage>
server.on("/get", HTTP_GET, [] (AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
String latitude1;
String latitude1Param;
String longitude1;
String longitude1Param;
String latitude2;
String latitude2Param;
String longitude2;
String longitude2Param;
String commitType;;
if (request->hasParam(PARAM_INPUT_2)||request->hasParam(PARAM_INPUT_1) ) {
// GET input1 value on <ESP_IP>/get?input1=<latitude>
latitude1 = request->getParam(PARAM_INPUT_1)->value();
latitude1Param = PARAM_INPUT_1;
// GET input2 value on <ESP_IP>/get?input2=<longitude>
longitude1 = request->getParam(PARAM_INPUT_2)->value();
longitude1Param = PARAM_INPUT_2;
// GET input3 value on <ESP_IP>/get?input3=<latitude>
latitude2 = request->getParam(PARAM_INPUT_3)->value();
latitude2Param = PARAM_INPUT_3;
// GET input4 value on <ESP_IP>/get?input4=<longitude>
longitude2 = request->getParam(PARAM_INPUT_4)->value();
longitude2Param = PARAM_INPUT_4;
else {
latitude1 = "No message sent";
latitude1Param = "none";
longitude1 = "No message sent";
longitude1Param = "none";
latitude2 = "No message sent";
latitude2Param = "none";
longitude2 = "No message sent";
longitude2Param = "none";
request->send(200, "text/html", "Command succesfuly sent""<br><a href=\"/\">Return to Home Page</a>");
server.on("/go", HTTP_GET, [] (AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
//logic for go here
server.on("/clear", HTTP_GET, [] (AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
//logic for clear here
void getGPS() // Get Latest GPS coordinates
{ Serial.println("i am here2");
while (S2.available() > 0)
// *************************************************************************************************************************************************
void setWaypoint() // Set up to 5 GPS waypoints
//if ((wpCount >= 0) && (wpCount < 50))
if (wpCount >= 0)
Serial.print("GPS Waypoint ");
Serial.print(wpCount + 1);
Serial.print(" Set ");
Home_LATarray[ac] = lati1 ; // store waypoint in an array
Home_LONarray[ac] = logi1 ; // store waypoint in an array
Home_LATarray[ac] = lati2 ; // store waypoint in an array
Home_LONarray[ac] = logi2 ; // store waypoint in an array
Serial.print("Waypoint #1: ");
Serial.print(" , ");
Serial.print("Waypoint #2: ");
Serial.print(" , ");
wpCount++; // increment waypoint counter
ac++; // increment array counter
else {Serial.print("Waypoints Full");}
// *************************************************************************************************************************************************
void clearWaypoints()
memset(Home_LATarray, 0, sizeof(Home_LATarray)); // clear the array
memset(Home_LONarray, 0, sizeof(Home_LONarray)); // clear the array
wpCount = 0; // reset increment counter to 0
ac = 0;
Serial.print("GPS Waypoints Cleared"); // display waypoints cleared
// *************************************************************************************************************************************************
void getCompass() // get latest compass value
Vector norm = compass.readNormalize();
// Calculate heading
float heading = atan2(norm.YAxis, norm.XAxis);
if(heading < 0)
heading += 2 * M_PI;
compass_heading = (int)(heading * 180/M_PI); // aSerialign compass calculation to variable (compass_heading) and convert to integer to remove decimal places
void Startup()
Serial.println("Pause for Startup... ");
for (int i=10; i >= 1; i--) // Count down for X seconds
Serial.print("Pause for Startup... ");
delay(1000); // Delay for X seconds
Serial.println("Searching for Satellites ");
Serial.println("Searching for Satellites ");
while (Number_of_SATS <= 4) // Wait until x number of satellites are acquired before starting main loop
getGPS(); // Update gps data
Number_of_SATS = (int)(gps.satellites.value()); // Query Tiny GPS for the number of Satellites Acquired
setWaypoint(); // set intial waypoint to current location
wpCount = 0; // zero waypoint counter
ac = 0; // zero array counter
Serial.print(" Satellites Acquired");
void goWaypoint()
Serial.println("Go to Waypoint");
//Serial.print("Home_Latarray ");
//Serial.print(" ");
//Serial1.print("Distance to Home");
//Serial1.print("ac= ");
while (true)
{ // Start of Go_Home procedure
// bluetooth(); // Run the Bluetooth procedure to see if there is any data being sent via BT
if (blueToothVal == 5){break;} // If a 'Stop' Bluetooth command is received then break from the Loop
getCompass(); // Update Compass heading
getGPS(); // Tiny GPS function that retrieves GPS data - update GPS location// delay time changed from 100 to 10
if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10) // If no Data from GPS within 5 seconds then send error
Serial.println(F("No GPS data: check wiring"));
Distance_To_Home = TinyGPSPlus::distanceBetween(gps.location.lat(),gps.location.lng(),Home_LATarray[ac], Home_LONarray[ac]); //Query Tiny GPS for Distance to Destination
GPS_Course = TinyGPSPlus::courseTo(gps.location.lat(),gps.location.lng(),Home_LATarray[ac],Home_LONarray[ac]); //Query Tiny GPS for Course to Destination
if (Home_LATarray[ac] == 0) {
Serial1.print("End of Waypoints");
if (Distance_To_Home == 0) // If the Vehicle has reached it's Destination, then Stop
StopCar(); // Stop the robot after each waypoint is reached
Serial.println("You have arrived!"); // Print to Bluetooth device - "You have arrived"
ac++; // increment counter for next waypoint
break; // Break from Go_Home procedure and send control back to the Void Loop
// go to next waypoint
if ( abs(GPS_Course - compass_heading) <= 15) // If GPS Course and the Compass Heading are within x degrees of each other then go Forward
// otherwise find the shortest turn radius and turn left or right
Forward(); // Go Forward
} else
int x = (GPS_Course - 360); // x = the GPS desired heading - 360
int y = (compass_heading - (x)); // y = the Compass heading - x
int z = (y - 360); // z = y - 360
if ((z <= 180) && (z >= 0)) // if z is less than 180 and not a negative value then turn left otherwise turn right
{ SlowLeftTurn(); }
else { SlowRightTurn(); }
} // End of While Loop