Я работаю с TensorFlow JS для обнаружения объектов с использованием модели Coco-SSD. но у меня есть изображение в формате строки base64, который не совместим с tf.browser.fromPixels (). Я получаю эту ошибку
Error: pixels passed to tf.browser.fromPixels() must be either an HTMLVideoElement, HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, ImageData in browser, or OffscreenCanvas, ImageData in webworker or {data: Uint32Array, width: number, height: number}, but was Function
res => {
this.retrieveResonse = res;
this.base64Data = this.retrieveResonse.picByte;
console.log(this.base64Data = this.retrieveResonse.picByte)
this.retrievedImage = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + this.base64Data;
public async predictWithCocoModel(){
const model = await cocoSSD.load();
console.log('model loaded');
detectFrame = (retrievedImage, model) => {
model.detect(this.refreshImage).then(predictions => {
/*requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.detectFrame(video, model);
renderPredictions = predictions => {
const canvas = <HTMLCanvasElement> document.getElementById("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = 360;
canvas.height = 360;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
// Font options.
const font = "16px sans-serif";
ctx.font = font;
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
ctx.drawImage(this.retrievedImage,0, 0,300,300);
predictions.forEach(prediction => {
let i = 0
const x = prediction.bbox[0];
const y = prediction.bbox[1];
const width = prediction.bbox[2];
const height = prediction.bbox[3];
if (prediction.class === 'person') {
// Draw the bounding box.
ctx.strokeStyle = "#00FFFF";
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeRect(x, y, width, height);
// Draw the label background.
ctx.fillStyle = "#00FFFF";
const textWidth = ctx.measureText(prediction.class).width;
const textHeight = parseInt(font, 10); // base 10
ctx.fillRect(x, y, textWidth + 4, textHeight + 4);
predictions.forEach(prediction => {
const x = prediction.bbox[0];
const y = prediction.bbox[1];
// Draw the text last to ensure it's on top.
ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";
ctx.fillText(prediction.class, x, y);