//Communication between two applications, Angular application open ASP.NET web form application inside Kendow window containing iframe.From ASP.NET application want to click the button id=btnClose by Javascript.
**Angular for**
<kendo-window id="winID" >
<iframe width="100%" id="iframe" #iframe [src]="urlSafe"></iframe>
<button class="k-button close-button" id="btnClose" (click)="CloseClick()">Close</button>
**ASP.NET Webform**
function FoCloseClcik() {
var win = window.parent.document.getElementById('winID');
var btnClose = window.parent.document.getElementById('btnClose');// Getting conole output as "<button _ngcontent-rvc-c1="" class="k-button close-button" id="btnClose">Close</button>"
// Следует нажать эту кнопку из этой функции javascript и воздействовать на ангулярное приложение. Окно Kendow содержит кнопку