это первый код
def Maximum__profit_more_efficient(list): # this function count the maximum_profit of specific stock.
selling_date = 0
buying_date = 0
for i in range(len(list)):
if list[i] > list[selling_date]:
selling_date = i
for j in range(len(list)):
if list[j] < list[buying_date] and j <= selling_date:
buying_date = j
elif j > selling_date:
print(list[selling_date] - list[buying_date])
это второй код
def brute_force(list):
# this function count the maximum_profit of specific stock, but with higher complexity
selling_date = 0
buying_date = 0
i = 0
j = 0
exit = False
while exit == False:
if list[i] > list[selling_date]:
selling_date = i
if i < len(list):
i = i + 1
if i == len(list):
while j < len(list):
if list[j] < list[buying_date] and j <= selling_date:
buying_date = j
j = j + 1
if j == len(list):
exit = True
print(list[selling_date] - list[buying_date])