Android 9 Отключение Broadcastcast вызывает перезагрузку системы cra sh - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 28 апреля 2020

Мое приложение - это системное приложение, когда я вызываю системную трансляцию для выключения, устройство отключается sh и перезагружается. эта система вызовет sh, когда я вызову широковещательную рассылку, я вызываю ее следующим способом:

Intent intent;
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O)  {
            intent = new Intent("");
        } else {
            intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.ACTION_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN");
        intent.putExtra("android.intent.extra.KEY_CONFIRM", false);
        Logger.i(TAG, "close device");

, но система выдает ошибку:

    --------- beginning of crash
    12-31 16:01:30.849 F/libc    ( 1095): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x10 in tid 1095 (xtra-daemon), pid 1095 (xtra-daemon)
    12-31 16:01:30.868 I/ServiceManager(  481): service 'perfprofd' died
    12-31 16:01:30.871 I/Dpps    ( 1222): ~DppsFeatureContext():26 cleanup of feature context done
    12-31 16:01:30.871 I/Dpps    ( 1222): ~AmbientLightContext():27 AL context destructor
    12-31 16:01:30.871 I/Dpps    ( 1222): DeinitLightSensor():598 SensorTypeSimulation
    12-31 16:01:30.871 I/Dpps    ( 1222): DeinitLightSensor():618 light sensor de-initialized, ret 0
    12-31 16:01:30.871 I/Dpps    ( 1222): Deinit():88 close the poll fds
    12-31 16:01:30.871 I/Dpps    ( 1222): ~AbaContext():30 ABA context destructor
    12-31 16:01:30.875 I/ServiceManager(  481): service 'android.service.gatekeeper.IGateKeeperService' died
    12-31 16:01:30.893 W/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler(  557): data_service_sighandler: Caught Signal: 15
    12-31 16:01:30.893 I/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler(  557): DataHandler:: init_status 3
    12-31 16:01:30.893 D/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler(  557): Close: Signal close to Diag interface
    12-31 16:01:30.894 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-async_fd_watcher(  557): ThreadRoutine: End of AsyncFdWatcher::ThreadRoutine
    12-31 16:01:30.894 W/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-async_fd_watcher(  557): StopThread: stopped the work thread
    12-31 16:01:30.894 I/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-mct_transport(  557): CleanUp:> soc_type: 0
    12-31 16:01:30.896 E/PerMgrSrv(  591): QCRIL registered for modem has died
    12-31 16:01:30.896 D/PerMgrSrv(  591): modem client QCRIL is not a voter
    12-31 16:01:30.896 D/PerMgrSrv(  591): modem state: is off-line, remove client QCRIL
    12-31 16:01:30.898 W/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler(  557): controller Cleanup done
    12-31 16:01:30.898 I/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler(  557): DataHandler:: joined Init thread 
    12-31 16:01:30.898 D/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock(  557): CleanUp wakelock is destroyed 
    12-31 16:01:30.898 I/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler(  557): android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0
    12-31 16:01:31.009 I/chatty  (  916): uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 3 lines
    12-31 16:01:31.009 I/ConfigStore(  916): android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0
    12-31 16:01:32.830 E/wpa_supplicant( 2131): eloop: could not process SIGINT or SIGTERM in two seconds. Looks like there
    12-31 16:01:32.830 E/wpa_supplicant( 2131): is a bug that ends up in a busy loop that prevents clean shutdown.
    12-31 16:01:32.830 E/wpa_supplicant( 2131): Killing program forcefully.
    12-31 16:01:33.810 I/ServiceManager(  481): service 'stats' died
    12-31 16:01:33.830 I/VendorServiceManager(  483): service 'vendor.qcom.PeripheralManager' died
    12-31 16:01:34.187 I/ServiceManager(  481): service 'vold' died