У меня недавно была эта проблема (я рендерил текст для печати на компакт-дисках), поэтому вот мое решение:
private void DrawCurvedText(Graphics graphics, string text, Point centre, float distanceFromCentreToBaseOfText, float radiansToTextCentre, Font font, Brush brush)
// Circumference for use later
var circleCircumference = (float)(Math.PI * 2 * distanceFromCentreToBaseOfText);
// Get the width of each character
var characterWidths = GetCharacterWidths(graphics, text, font).ToArray();
// The overall height of the string
var characterHeight = graphics.MeasureString(text, font).Height;
var textLength = characterWidths.Sum();
// The string length above is the arc length we'll use for rendering the string. Work out the starting angle required to
// centre the text across the radiansToTextCentre.
float fractionOfCircumference = textLength / circleCircumference;
float currentCharacterRadians = radiansToTextCentre + (float)(Math.PI * fractionOfCircumference);
for (int characterIndex = 0; characterIndex < text.Length; characterIndex++)
char @char = text[characterIndex];
// Polar to cartesian
float x = (float)(distanceFromCentreToBaseOfText * Math.Sin(currentCharacterRadians));
float y = -(float)(distanceFromCentreToBaseOfText * Math.Cos(currentCharacterRadians));
using (GraphicsPath characterPath = new GraphicsPath())
characterPath.AddString(@char.ToString(), font.FontFamily, (int)font.Style, font.Size, Point.Empty,
var pathBounds = characterPath.GetBounds();
// Transformation matrix to move the character to the correct location.
// Note that all actions on the Matrix class are prepended, so we apply them in reverse.
var transform = new Matrix();
// Translate to the final position
transform.Translate(centre.X + x, centre.Y + y);
// Rotate the character
var rotationAngleDegrees = currentCharacterRadians * 180F / (float)Math.PI - 180F;
// Translate the character so the centre of its base is over the origin
transform.Translate(-pathBounds.Width / 2F, -characterHeight);
// Draw the character
graphics.FillPath(brush, characterPath);
if (characterIndex != text.Length - 1)
// Move "currentCharacterRadians" on to the next character
var distanceToNextChar = (characterWidths[characterIndex] + characterWidths[characterIndex + 1]) / 2F;
float charFractionOfCircumference = distanceToNextChar / circleCircumference;
currentCharacterRadians -= charFractionOfCircumference * (float)(2F * Math.PI);
private IEnumerable<float> GetCharacterWidths(Graphics graphics, string text, Font font)
// The length of a space. Necessary because a space measured using StringFormat.GenericTypographic has no width.
// We can't use StringFormat.GenericDefault for the characters themselves, as it adds unwanted spacing.
var spaceLength = graphics.MeasureString(" ", font, Point.Empty, StringFormat.GenericDefault).Width;
return text.Select(c => c == ' ' ? spaceLength : graphics.MeasureString(c.ToString(), font, Point.Empty, StringFormat.GenericTypographic).Width);