Я пытаюсь написать шаблоны для развертывания некоторого примера API в API Management. Теперь некоторые значения свойств довольно длинные и сложные. Например, у меня есть эта политика
"type": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policies",
"apiVersion": "2019-01-01",
"name": "[concat(parameters('service_apim_name'), '/policy')]",
"dependsOn": [
"[resourceId('Microsoft.ApiManagement/service', parameters('service_simon_hm_name'))]"
"properties": {
"value": "<!--\r\n IMPORTANT:\r\n - Policy elements can appear only within the <inbound>, <outbound>, <backend> section elements.\r\n - Only the <forward-request> policy element can appear within the <backend> section element.\r\n - To apply a policy to the incoming request (before it is forwarded to the backend service), place a corresponding policy element within the <inbound> section element.\r\n - To apply a policy to the outgoing response (before it is sent back to the caller), place a corresponding policy element within the <outbound> section element.\r\n - To add a policy position the cursor at the desired insertion point and click on the round button associated with the policy.\r\n - To remove a policy, delete the corresponding policy statement from the policy document.\r\n - Policies are applied in the order of their appearance, from the top down.\r\n-->\r\n<policies>\r\n <inbound></inbound>\r\n <backend>\r\n <forward-request />\r\n </backend>\r\n <outbound></outbound>\r\n</policies>",
"format": "xml"
Как разбить значение политики на файл XML?