| where Operation == "DatabaseCreate" and Database contains "oci-"| where State =='Completed'
and StartedOn between (datetime(2020-04-07) .. 3d)
| distinct Database , StartedOn
| order by StartedOn desc
Выводом моего запроса1 является список баз данных, теперь мне нужно передать каждое значение БД в query2, чтобы получить номер сборки
set query_take_max_records=5000;
let view=datatable(Property:string,Value:dynamic)[];
let viewFile=datatable(FileName:string)[];
alias database db = cluster(x).database('y');
let latestInfoFile = toscalar((
union isfuzzy=true viewFile,database('db').['TextFileLogs']
| where FileName contains "AzureStackStampInformation"
| distinct FileName
| order by FileName
| take 1));
union isfuzzy=true view,(
| where FileName == latestInfoFile
| distinct LineNumber,FileLineContent
| order by LineNumber asc
| summarize StampInfo=(toobject(strcat_array(makelist(FileLineContent,100000), "\r\n")))
| mvexpand bagexpansion=array StampInfo
| project Property=tostring(StampInfo[0]), Value=StampInfo[1]
)|where Property contains "StampVersion" | project BuildNumber = Value;