Cpp Программа предназначена для создания массивов, стремящихся улучшить код - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 28 января 2020

Эта программа предназначена для создания двух массивов: библиотеки глубиной 1024 строки и списка глубиной 128 строк. Содержимое каждой строки для обоих массивов будет иметь длину от 2 до 3 МБ (случайным образом назначается программой). Пользователю будет предложено ввести случайное слово, и программа выполнит поиск всех экземпляров этого слова в списке. Строки, содержащие слово, останутся в списке, а те, которые не содержат слова, будут извлечены из списка и повторно инициализированы в нижней части библиотеки. Одновременно список будет усечен, а самые верхние строки библиотеки будут добавлены к пустым строкам списка. Я добавил комментарии, где у меня проблемы с моим кодом.

#include <iostream> 
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

// Constants used to create depth and width of recent_list and Library
const int recentList_Size = 128, library_Size = 1024; // Number of 'lines' in the 
// recent_list and Library
// Used to create variable sizes of chars
const int btm = 2000000, top = 3000000; 
// Was told to use power of 2s, but a quick cout of 2^21 gives 23 not 2M

// Create pointers for recent_list and Library
struct Arrays {
    char* recent[recentList_Size];
    char* library[library_Size];

// Method to generate 26 CAPITAL letters using ascii value
inline char random_letter() {
    return char('A' + rand() % 26);

// Build the array
// Was told to check memory?
void initArrays(Arrays& o) {
    for (int i = 0; i < recentList_Size; i++) // Build recent_list vertically
        int sz = rand() % (top - btm + 1) + btm;  // Used to randomly generate array sized between 2MB and 3MB
        o.recent[i] = new char[sz + 1];       // Dynamically allocate memory to a pointer based on list size
        for (int j = 0; j < sz; j++)
            o.recent[i][j] = random_letter(); // Fill horizontal array with randomly generated alphabet characters 
        o.recent[i][sz] = '\0';
    for (int i = 0; i < library_Size; i++)    // Build Library (simialr method as the above)
        int sz = rand() % (top - btm + 1) + btm;
        o.library[i] = new char[sz + 1];
        for (int j = 0; j < sz; j++)
            o.library[i][j] = random_letter();
        o.library[i][sz] = '\0';

int main() {
    Arrays a;
    int input;

    // Prompt for user
    cout << "----------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << " Press 1 to search the Recent List for a word " << endl;
    cout << " Press 2 to exit the program" << endl;
    cout << "----------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cin >> input;

    // catch if input not within bounds
    while (input != 1 && input != 2)
        cout << "-------- Please ONLY press 1 or 2 ---------" << endl;
        cout << " Press 1 to search the Recent List for a word " << endl;
        cout << " Press 2 to exit the program" << endl;
        cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
        cin >> input;

    while (input != 2)
            cout << "Enter a word to search for in the recent_list: ";

            char* search_word = new(char[16]); // 15 letter word, 16 character of \0 to mark the end of the string
                                               // Dynamic memory needed for comparison
            cin >> search_word;
            while (cin.get() != '\n') continue; // FLush buffer

            // Array of booleans that will match the recent_List length, where we are going to mark if the array has 
            // the word we are looking for.
            bool words_found_at[recentList_Size] = { false };

            // Go through each array of letters and find the matching word
            // Keep count of instances where word is and is not found in each array of letters
            int words_found = 0;
            int words_not_found = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < recentList_Size; i++) {
                // C++ function strstr used to compare chars of array to char inputted 
                if (strstr(a.recent[i], search_word) != NULL) {
                    words_found++;            // Increment counter
                    words_found_at[i] = true; // Tab when word is found (original code)
            words_not_found = recentList_Size - words_found;

            cout << search_word << " found in " << words_found << " arrays " << endl;
            cout << words_not_found << " arrays were ejected " << endl;

            if (words_found != 0) {
                // "Move" the arrays where the word was not found to a recent_list temp
                char** recent_list_move = new char* [words_not_found];
                for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < recentList_Size; i++) {
                    // instances in char array where word was not found
                    if (words_found_at[i] == false) {
                        recent_list_move[j] = a.recent[i]; // create temp array of chars w/o word(s) based on position

                // Based on the num of words not found, "move" the arrays from the contents from the Library
                // to another temp array in FIFO order
                char** library_list_move = new char* [words_not_found];
                for (int i = 0; i < words_not_found; i++) {
                    library_list_move[i] = a.library[i];

                // Shift Library up to maintain the FIFO order
                // j is used for the position of array after the top 'n' array(s) have been moved to the recent_list
                for (int i = 0, j = words_not_found; i < library_Size; i++, j++) {
                    if (j < 15)
                        a.library[i] = a.library[j];
                        a.library[i] = NULL; // j goes out of bounds of array when i = 12

                // "Move" arrays of words from recent_list temp to the Library
                // (library_Size - words_not_found) used to place recent_list temp contents at the bottom of Library
                for (int i = library_Size - words_not_found, j = 0; i < library_Size; i++, j++) {
                    a.library[i] = recent_list_move[j];

                // Find first index where word(s) have not been found, since that is the index
                // Keeps count of how many spaces need to be filled
                int shift_starts_at = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < recentList_Size; i++) {
                    if (words_found_at[i] == false) {
                        shift_starts_at = i;
                // Truncate recent_list up 
                for (int i = shift_starts_at, j = shift_starts_at; i < recentList_Size; i++) {
                    if (words_found_at[i] == true) {
                        a.recent[j] = a.recent[i];

                // Fill in the recent_list with contents from library based on count
                // 'i' will be the starting position of the recent_list after truncation
                for (int i = recentList_Size - words_not_found, j = 0; i < recentList_Size; i++, j++) {
                    a.recent[i] = library_list_move[j];

        // Prompt for user
        cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
        cout << " Press 1 to search the Recent List for a word " << endl;
        cout << " Press 2 to exit the program" << endl;
        cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
        cin >> input;

        while (input != 1 && input != 2 && input != 3)
            cout << "---------Please press only 1, 2 or 3---------" << endl;
            cout << " Press 1 to search the Recent List for a word" << endl;
            cout << " Press 2 to exit the program" << endl;
            cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
            cin >> input;

// Recommended to de-allocate memory before exiting but unsure how to do so
    return 0;