ValueError: Найденный массив с 0 выборками (формами (0, 59)), в то время как StandardScaler требует минимум 1 - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 21 февраля 2020

Во время работы значения функций вычисляются, но они не уверены, добавляются ли они.

Ниже train_svm модель

from load_MITBIH import *
from evaluation_AAMI import *
from aggregation_voting_strategies import *
from oversampling import *
from cross_validation import *
from feature_selection import *

import sklearn
from sklearn.externals import joblib
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn import svm

from sklearn import decomposition

import os

def create_svm_model_name(model_svm_path, winL, winR, do_preprocess, 
    maxRR, use_RR, norm_RR, compute_morph, use_weight_class, feature_selection, 
    oversamp_method, leads_flag, reduced_DS, pca_k, delimiter):

    if reduced_DS == True:
        model_svm_path = model_svm_path + delimiter + 'exp_2'

    if leads_flag[0] == 1:
        model_svm_path = model_svm_path + delimiter + 'MLII'

    if leads_flag[1] == 1:
        model_svm_path = model_svm_path + delimiter + 'V1'

    if oversamp_method: 
        model_svm_path = model_svm_path + delimiter + oversamp_method

    if feature_selection:
        model_svm_path = model_svm_path + delimiter + feature_selection

    if do_preprocess:
        model_svm_path = model_svm_path + delimiter + 'rm_bsln'

    if maxRR:
        model_svm_path = model_svm_path + delimiter + 'maxRR'

    if use_RR:
        model_svm_path = model_svm_path + delimiter + 'RR'

    if norm_RR:
        model_svm_path = model_svm_path + delimiter + 'norm_RR'

    for descp in compute_morph:
        model_svm_path = model_svm_path + delimiter + descp

    if use_weight_class:
        model_svm_path = model_svm_path + delimiter + 'weighted'

    if pca_k > 0:
        model_svm_path = model_svm_path + delimiter + 'pca_' + str(pca_k)

    return model_svm_path

# Eval the SVM model and export the results
def eval_model(svm_model, features, labels, multi_mode, voting_strategy, output_path, C_value, gamma_value, DS):
    if multi_mode == 'ovo':
        decision_ovo        = svm_model.decision_function(features)

        if voting_strategy == 'ovo_voting':
            predict_ovo, counter    = ovo_voting(decision_ovo, 4)

        elif voting_strategy == 'ovo_voting_both':
            predict_ovo, counter    = ovo_voting_both(decision_ovo, 4)

        elif voting_strategy == 'ovo_voting_exp':
            predict_ovo, counter    = ovo_voting_exp(decision_ovo, 4)

        # svm_model.predict_log_proba  svm_model.predict_proba   svm_model.predict ...
        perf_measures = compute_AAMI_performance_measures(predict_ovo, labels)

    elif multi_mode == 'ovr':cr
        decision_ovr = svm_model.decision_function(features)
        predict_ovr = svm_model.predict(features)
        perf_measures = compute_AAMI_performance_measures(predict_ovr, labels)

    # Write results and also predictions on DS2
    if not os.path.exists(output_path):

    if gamma_value != 0.0:
        write_AAMI_results( perf_measures, output_path + '/' + DS + 'C_' + str(C_value) + 'g_' + str(gamma_value) + 
            '_score_Ijk_' + str(format(perf_measures.Ijk, '.2f')) + '_' + voting_strategy + '.txt')
        write_AAMI_results( perf_measures, output_path + '/' + DS + 'C_' + str(C_value) + 
            '_score_Ijk_' + str(format(perf_measures.Ijk, '.2f')) + '_' + voting_strategy + '.txt')

    # Array to .csv
    if multi_mode == 'ovo':
        if gamma_value != 0.0:
            np.savetxt(output_path + '/' + DS + 'C_' + str(C_value) + 'g_' + str(gamma_value) + 
                '_decision_ovo.csv', decision_ovo)
            np.savetxt(output_path + '/' + DS + 'C_' + str(C_value) + 'g_' + str(gamma_value) + 
                '_predict_' + voting_strategy + '.csv', predict_ovo.astype(int), '%.0f') 
            np.savetxt(output_path + '/' + DS + 'C_' + str(C_value) +
                '_decision_ovo.csv', decision_ovo)
            np.savetxt(output_path + '/' + DS + 'C_' + str(C_value) + 
                '_predict_' + voting_strategy + '.csv', predict_ovo.astype(int), '%.0f') 

    elif multi_mode == 'ovr':
        np.savetxt(output_path + '/' + DS + 'C_' + str(C_value) +
            '_decision_ovr.csv', prob_ovr)
        np.savetxt(output_path + '/' + DS + 'C_' + str(C_value) + 
            '_predict_' + voting_strategy + '.csv', predict_ovr.astype(int), '%.0f') 

    print("Results writed at " + output_path + '/' + DS + 'C_' + str(C_value))

def create_oversamp_name(reduced_DS, do_preprocess, compute_morph, winL, winR, maxRR, use_RR, norm_RR, pca_k):
    oversamp_features_pickle_name = ''
    if reduced_DS:
        oversamp_features_pickle_name += '_reduced_'

    if do_preprocess:
        oversamp_features_pickle_name += '_rm_bsline'

    if maxRR:
        oversamp_features_pickle_name += '_maxRR'

    if use_RR:
        oversamp_features_pickle_name += '_RR'

    if norm_RR:
        oversamp_features_pickle_name += '_norm_RR'

    for descp in compute_morph:
        oversamp_features_pickle_name += '_' + descp

    if pca_k > 0:
        oversamp_features_pickle_name += '_pca_' + str(pca_k)

    oversamp_features_pickle_name += '_wL_' + str(winL) + '_wR_' + str(winR)

    return oversamp_features_pickle_name

def main(multi_mode='ovo', winL=90, winR=90, do_preprocess=True, use_weight_class=True, 
    maxRR=True, use_RR=True, norm_RR=True, compute_morph={''}, oversamp_method = '', pca_k = '', feature_selection = '', do_cross_val = '', C_value = 0.001, gamma_value = 0.0, reduced_DS = False, leads_flag = [1,0]):

    db_path = '/users/meghshyam/downloads/ECG/mitdb/m_learning/scikit/'

    # Load train data 
    [tr_features, tr_labels, tr_patient_num_beats] = load_mit_db('DS1', winL, winR, do_preprocess,
        maxRR, use_RR, norm_RR, compute_morph, db_path, reduced_DS, leads_flag)

    # Load Test data
    [eval_features, eval_labels, eval_patient_num_beats] = load_mit_db('DS2', winL, winR, do_preprocess, 
        maxRR, use_RR, norm_RR, compute_morph, db_path, reduced_DS, leads_flag)
    if reduced_DS == True:
        np.savetxt('mit_db/' + 'exp_2_' + 'DS2_labels.csv', eval_labels.astype(int), '%.0f') 
        np.savetxt('mit_db/' + 'DS2_labels.csv', eval_labels.astype(int), '%.0f') 

    #if reduced_DS == True:
    #    np.savetxt('mit_db/' + 'exp_2_' + 'DS1_labels.csv', tr_labels.astype(int), '%.0f') 
    #np.savetxt('mit_db/' + 'DS1_labels.csv', tr_labels.astype(int), '%.0f') 

    # 0) TODO if feature_Selection:
    # before oversamp!!?????

    # TODO perform normalization before the oversampling?
    if oversamp_method:
        # Filename
        oversamp_features_pickle_name = create_oversamp_name(reduced_DS, do_preprocess, compute_morph, winL, winR, maxRR, use_RR, norm_RR, pca_k)

        # Do oversampling
        tr_features, tr_labels = perform_oversampling(oversamp_method, db_path + 'oversamp/python_mit', oversamp_features_pickle_name, tr_features, tr_labels)

    # Normalization of the input data
    # scaled: zero mean unit variance ( z-score )
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    tr_features_scaled = scaler.transform(tr_features)

    # scaled: zero mean unit variance ( z-score )
    eval_features_scaled = scaler.transform(eval_features)
    # 0) ????????????? feature_Selection: also after Oversampling???
    if feature_selection:
        print("Runing feature selection")
        best_features = 7
        tr_features_scaled, features_index_sorted  = run_feature_selection(tr_features_scaled, tr_labels, feature_selection, best_features)
        eval_features_scaled = eval_features_scaled[:, features_index_sorted[0:best_features]]
    # 1)
    if pca_k > 0:

        # Load if exists??
        # NOTE PCA do memory error!

        # NOTE 11 Enero: TEST WITH IPCA!!!!!!
        start = time.time()

        print("Runing IPCA " + str(pca_k) + "...")

        # Run PCA
        IPCA = sklearn.decomposition.IncrementalPCA(pca_k, batch_size=pca_k) # gamma_pca

        #tr_features_scaled = KPCA.fit_transform(tr_features_scaled) 

        # Apply PCA on test data!
        tr_features_scaled = IPCA.transform(tr_features_scaled)
        eval_features_scaled = IPCA.transform(eval_features_scaled)

        print("Runing TruncatedSVD (singular value decomposition (SVD)!!!) (alternative to PCA) " + str(pca_k) + "...")
        svd = decomposition.TruncatedSVD(n_components=pca_k, algorithm='arpack')
        tr_features_scaled = svd.transform(tr_features_scaled)
        eval_features_scaled = svd.transform(eval_features_scaled)

        end = time.time()

        print("Time runing IPCA (rbf): " + str(format(end - start, '.2f')) + " sec" )
    # 2) Cross-validation: 

    if do_cross_val:
        print("Runing cross val...")
        start = time.time()

        # TODO Save data over the k-folds and ranked by the best average values in separated files   
        perf_measures_path = create_svm_model_name('/users/meghshyam/dowmloads/ECG/code/ecg_classification/python/results/' + multi_mode, winL, winR, do_preprocess, 
        maxRR, use_RR, norm_RR, compute_morph, use_weight_class, feature_selection, oversamp_method, leads_flag, reduced_DS,  pca_k, '/')

        # TODO implement this method! check to avoid NaN scores....

        if do_cross_val == 'pat_cv': # Cross validation with one fold per patient
            cv_scores, c_values =  run_cross_val(tr_features_scaled, tr_labels, tr_patient_num_beats, do_cross_val, len(tr_patient_num_beats))

            if not os.path.exists(perf_measures_path):
            np.savetxt(perf_measures_path + '/cross_val_k-pat_cv_F_score.csv', (c_values, cv_scores.astype(float)), "%f") 

        elif do_cross_val == 'beat_cv': # cross validation by class id samples
            k_folds = {5}
            for k in k_folds:
                ijk_scores, c_values = run_cross_val(tr_features_scaled, tr_labels, tr_patient_num_beats, do_cross_val, k)
                # TODO Save data over the k-folds and ranked by the best average values in separated files   
                perf_measures_path = create_svm_model_name('/users/meghshyam/dowmloads/ECG/code/ecg_classification/python/results/' + multi_mode, winL, winR, do_preprocess, 
                maxRR, use_RR, norm_RR, compute_morph, use_weight_class, feature_selection, oversamp_method, leads_flag, reduced_DS,  pca_k, '/')

                if not os.path.exists(perf_measures_path):
                np.savetxt(perf_measures_path + '/cross_val_k-' + str(k) + '_Ijk_score.csv', (c_values, ijk_scores.astype(float)), "%f") 

            end = time.time()
            print("Time runing Cross Validation: " + str(format(end - start, '.2f')) + " sec" )

        # 3) Train SVM model

        # TODO load best params from cross validation!

        use_probability = False

        model_svm_path = db_path + 'svm_models/' + multi_mode + '_rbf'

        model_svm_path = create_svm_model_name(model_svm_path, winL, winR, do_preprocess,
            maxRR, use_RR, norm_RR, compute_morph, use_weight_class, feature_selection,
            oversamp_method, leads_flag, reduced_DS, pca_k, '_')

        if gamma_value != 0.0:
            model_svm_path = model_svm_path + '_C_' +  str(C_value) + '_g_' +  str(gamma_value) +'.joblib.pkl'
            model_svm_path = model_svm_path + '_C_' +  str(C_value) + '.joblib.pkl'

        print("Training model on MIT-BIH DS1: " + model_svm_path + "...")

        if os.path.isfile(model_svm_path):
            # Load the trained model!
            svm_model = joblib.load(model_svm_path)

            class_weights = {}
            for c in range(4):
                class_weights.update({c:len(tr_labels) / float(np.count_nonzero(tr_labels == c))})

            if gamma_value != 0.0: # NOTE 0.0 means 1/n_features default value
                svm_model = svm.SVC(C=C_value, kernel='rbf', degree=3, gamma=gamma_value,  
                    coef0=0.0, shrinking=True, probability=use_probability, tol=0.001, 
                    cache_size=200, class_weight=class_weights, verbose=False, 
                    max_iter=-1, decision_function_shape=multi_mode, random_state=None)
                svm_model = svm.SVC(C=C_value, kernel='rbf', degree=3, gamma='auto', 
                    coef0=0.0, shrinking=True, probability=use_probability, tol=0.001, 
                    cache_size=200, class_weight=class_weights, verbose=False, 
                    max_iter=-1, decision_function_shape=multi_mode, random_state=None)

            # Let's Train!

            start = time.time()
  , tr_labels) 
            end = time.time()
            # TODO assert that the class_ID appears with the desired order, 
            # with the goal of ovo make the combinations properly
            print("Trained completed!\n\t" + model_svm_path + "\n \
                \tTime required: " + str(format(end - start, '.2f')) + " sec" )

            # Export model: save/write trained SVM model
            joblib.dump(svm_model, model_svm_path)

            # TODO Export StandardScaler()

        # 4) Test SVM model
        print("Testing model on MIT-BIH DS2: " + model_svm_path + "...")

        # EVALUATION

        # Evaluate the model on the training data
        perf_measures_path = create_svm_model_name('/users/meghshyam/dowmloads/ECG/code/ecg_classification/python/results/' + multi_mode, winL, winR, do_preprocess, 
            maxRR, use_RR, norm_RR, compute_morph, use_weight_class, feature_selection, oversamp_method, leads_flag, reduced_DS, pca_k, '/')

        # ovo_voting:
        # Simply add 1 to the win class
        print("Evaluation on DS1 ...")
        eval_model(svm_model, tr_features_scaled, tr_labels, multi_mode, 'ovo_voting', perf_measures_path, C_value, gamma_value, 'Train_')

        # Let's test new data!
        print("Evaluation on DS2 ...")   
        eval_model(svm_model, eval_features_scaled, eval_labels, multi_mode, 'ovo_voting', perf_measures_path, C_value, gamma_value, '')

        # ovo_voting_exp:
        # Consider the post prob adding to both classes
        print("Evaluation on DS1 ...")
        eval_model(svm_model, tr_features_scaled, tr_labels, multi_mode, 'ovo_voting_exp', perf_measures_path, C_value, gamma_value, 'Train_')

        # Let's test new data!
        print("Evaluation on DS2 ...")   
        eval_model(svm_model, eval_features_scaled, eval_labels, multi_mode, 'ovo_voting_exp', perf_measures_path, C_value, gamma_value, '')

Во время запуска run_train_SVM .py, значения объектов вычисляются, но не уверены, что они добавляются. в основном (multi_mode, winL, winR, do_preprocess, use_weight_class, maxRR, use_RR, norm_RR, compute_morph, oversamp_method , pca_k, feature_selection, do_cross_val, C_value, gamma_value, Reduced_DS, приводит_flag)

195 # масштабировано: нулевая среднеквадратичная дисперсия (z-оценка)

196 Scaler = StandardScaler () - -> 197 (tr_features) ошибка публикации здесь

198 tr_features_scaled = scaler.transform (tr_features)
