У меня есть программа на c ++, sfml, и при попытке реализовать многопоточность возникла проблема. Во-первых, у меня мало опыта в многопоточности. Когда я go назначаю задачи потока, он выбрасывает 22 новые ошибки, связанные с объектами const, но объекты не являются const. Спасибо. извините, если название написано плохо.
вот код для просмотра
class NewKey {
sf::Image Img;
sf::Texture Tex;
sf::Sprite Sprite;
sf::Vector2i Velocity;
sf::Vector2i Acceleration;
sf::Vector2i NextPos;
bool isMovingLeft() {
if (Velocity.x < 0)
return true;
return false;
bool isMovingRight() {
if (Velocity.x > 0)
return true;
return false;
void velocityCap() {
if (Velocity.x >= 130)
Velocity.x = 130;
if (Velocity.y >= 130)
Velocity.y = 130;
if (Velocity.x <= -130)
Velocity.x = -130;
if (Velocity.y <= -130)
Velocity.y = -130;
void loseSpeed(int x) {
if (isMovingLeft()) {
Acceleration.x += x;
else if (isMovingRight())
Acceleration.x -= x;;
void StepVelocity() {
Velocity += Acceleration;
Acceleration = sf::Vector2i(0, 0);
void foo() {
NewKey Key;
std::thread thread1;
std::unique_ptr <sf::RenderWindow> window = std::make_unique<sf::RenderWindow>(sf::VideoMode(100, 100, 32), "Main Window", sf::Style::None);
Key.NextPos = Gravity(Key, window, thread1);
sf::Vector2i Gravity(NewKey& Key, std::unique_ptr <sf::RenderWindow>& window, std::thread& thread1) {
int windSpeed = 2;
int dropRate = 10;
thread1 = std::thread([=] {
if (Key.Velocity.x == 1)
if (Key.Velocity.y < 10 && Key.Velocity.y > 0) {
Key.Velocity.y = 0;
sf::Vector2i Result = sf::Vector2i(window->getPosition() + Key.Velocity);
return Result;
int main()
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error (active) E1086 the object has type qualifiers that are not compatible with the member function "NewKey::loseSpeed" Error C:\Users\Jacob Krumholz\source\repos\FallingKeys\Error\Error.cpp 61
Error (active) E1086 the object has type qualifiers that are not compatible with the member function "NewKey::loseSpeed" Error C:\Users\Jacob Krumholz\source\repos\FallingKeys\Error\Error.cpp 63
Error (active) E1086 the object has type qualifiers that are not compatible with the member function "NewKey::StepVelocity" Error C:\Users\Jacob Krumholz\source\repos\FallingKeys\Error\Error.cpp 64
Error (active) E1086 the object has type qualifiers that are not compatible with the member function "NewKey::velocityCap" Error C:\Users\Jacob Krumholz\source\repos\FallingKeys\Error\Error.cpp 65
Error (active) E0137 expression must be a modifiable lvalue Error C:\Users\Jacob Krumholz\source\repos\FallingKeys\Error\Error.cpp 67
Error C3861 'Gravity': identifier not found Error C:\Users\Jacob Krumholz\source\repos\FallingKeys\Error\Error.cpp 53
Error C2662 'void NewKey::loseSpeed(int)': cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const NewKey' to 'NewKey &' Error C:\Users\Jacob Krumholz\source\repos\FallingKeys\Error\Error.cpp 61
Error C2662 'void NewKey::loseSpeed(int)': cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const NewKey' to 'NewKey &' Error C:\Users\Jacob Krumholz\source\repos\FallingKeys\Error\Error.cpp 63
Error C2662 'void NewKey::StepVelocity(void)': cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const NewKey' to 'NewKey &' Error C:\Users\Jacob Krumholz\source\repos\FallingKeys\Error\Error.cpp 64
Error C2662 'void NewKey::velocityCap(void)': cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const NewKey' to 'NewKey &' Error C:\Users\Jacob Krumholz\source\repos\FallingKeys\Error\Error.cpp 65
Error C3490 'y' cannot be modified because it is being accessed through a const object Error C:\Users\Jacob Krumholz\source\repos\FallingKeys\Error\Error.cpp 67