Если я запускаю этот код на windows или Ubuntu, я получаю DataFrame без ошибок. Однако я хотел бы автоматизировать его и периодически запускать на Heroku. когда я пытаюсь запустить его на героку. я получаю пустой DataFrame Столбцы: [имена столбцов] index: [] [ошибка происходит в этом формате] 1 как исправить эту ошибку КОД НИЖЕ:
from nsepy import get_history
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import date, timedelta
import os
import csv
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)
# retrieves the names of stock
companies_file = (open('stocklist.csv'))
companies_list = csv.reader(companies_file)
def data():
global xxx
# creates new data frame
final = pd.DataFrame()
counter = 0
# dates configuration
end_day = date.today()
start_day = end_day - timedelta(365)
for company in companies_list:
symbol, name = company
# iterates through stock lists and retrieves by date conditions
df = get_history(symbol=symbol.format(symbol), start=start_day, end=end_day)
# adds three columns for statistical purposes
change = np.log(df['Close'] / df['Close'].shift())
stdev = np.std(change)
avg = np.mean(change)
df['Upside'] = round(((avg + stdev) * 100), 2)
df['Downside'] = round(((avg - stdev) * 100), 2)
df['Stock Name'] = symbol
df['PP'] = round(((df['High'] + df['Low'] + df['Close']) / 3), 2)
df['R1'] = (2 * df['PP'] - df['Low'])
df['S1'] = (2 * df['PP'] - df['High'])
df['R2'] = (df['PP'] + df['High'] - df['Low'])
df['S2'] = (df['PP'] - df['High'] + df['Low'])
df['R3'] = (df['High'] + 2 * (df['PP'] - df['Low']))
df['S3'] = (df['Low'] - 2 * (df['High'] - df['PP']))
df['3 Day Avg. Volume'] = (df['Volume'].rolling(window=3).mean())
# select new columns / first row
selected = df.iloc[-1:, [16, 6, 9,14,15,23,21,19,17,18,20,22,24]]
# appends datasets to final dataframe
final = pd.concat([final, selected])
xxx = final.copy()
# counts the iteration
counter += 1
# show progress
print("Writing " + str(counter) + " of " + str(companies_list) + "!")
# clears console
data ()
def upload (): data () print (xxx)
upload ()