TypeError: объект 'int' не может быть подписан: при указании количества кластеров - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 23 февраля 2020

Я делаю сегментацию опухоли головного мозга, используя кластеризацию k-средних, и вот код, который я использую, чтобы сделать это.

from PIL import Image, ImageStat
import numpy

def converged(centroids, old_centroids):
    if len(old_centroids) == 0:
        return False

    if len(centroids) <= 5:
        a = 1
    elif len(centroids) <= 10:
        a = 2
        a = 4

    for i in range(0, len(centroids)):
        cent = centroids[i]
        old_cent = old_centroids[i]

        if ((int(old_cent[0]) - a) <= cent[0] <= (int(old_cent[0]) + a)) and (
                (int(old_cent[1]) - a) <= cent[1] <= (int(old_cent[1]) + a)) and (
                (int(old_cent[2]) - a) <= cent[2] <= (int(old_cent[2]) + a)):
            return False

    return True

# Method used to find the closest centroid to the given pixel.
def getMin(pixel, centroids):
    minDist = 9999
    minIndex = 0

    for i in range(0, len(centroids)):
        d = numpy.sqrt(int((centroids[i][0] - pixel[0])) ** 2 + int((centroids[i][1] - pixel[1])) ** 2 + int(
            (centroids[i][2] - pixel[2])) ** 2)
        if d < minDist:
            minDist = d
            minIndex = i

    return minIndex

# Assigns each pixel to the given centroids for the algorithm.
# Method finds the closest centroid to the given pixel, then
# assigns that centroids to the pixel.
def assignPixels(centroids):
    clusters = {}

    for x in range(0, img_width):
        for y in range(0, img_height):
            p = px[x, y]
            minIndex = getMin(px[x, y], centroids)

            except KeyError:
                clusters[minIndex] = [p]

    return clusters

# Method is used to  re-center the centroids according
# to the pixels assigned to each. A mean average is
# applied to each cluster's RGB values, which is then
# set as the new centroids.
def adjustCentroids(centroids, clusters):
    new_centroids = []
    keys = sorted(clusters.keys())
    # print(keys)

    for k in keys:
        n = numpy.mean(clusters[k], axis=0)
        new = (int(n[0]), int(n[1]), int(n[2]))
        print(str(k) + ": " + str(new))

    return new_centroids

# Used to initialize the k-means clustering
def startKmeans(someK):
    centroids = []
    old_centroids = []
    rgb_range = ImageStat.Stat(im).extrema
    i = 1

    # Initializes someK number of centroids for the clustering
    for k in range(0, someK):
        cent = px[numpy.random.randint(0, img_width), numpy.random.randint(0, img_height)]

    print("Centroids Initialized. Starting Assignments")

    while not converged(centroids, old_centroids) and i <= 20:
        print("Iteration #" + str(i))
        i += 1

        old_centroids = centroids  # Make the current centroids into the old centroids
        clusters = assignPixels(centroids)  # Assign each pixel in the image to their respective centroids
        centroids = adjustCentroids(old_centroids,
                                    clusters)  # Adjust the centroids to the center of their assigned pixels

    print("Convergence Reached!")
    return centroids

# Once the k-means clustering is finished, this method
# generates the segmented image and opens it.
def drawWindow(result):
    img = Image.new('RGB', (img_width, img_height), "white")
    p = img.load()

    for x in range(img.size[0]):
        for y in range(img.size[1]):
            RGB_value = result[getMin(px[x, y], result)]
            p[x, y] = RGB_value


num_input = str(input("Enter image number: "))
k_input = int(input("Enter K value: "))

img = "img/test" + num_input.zfill(2) + ".jpg"
im = Image.open(img)
img_width, img_height = im.size
px = im.load()
result = startKmeans(k_input)

Я хочу ввести и изображение, и число кластеры, чтобы я мог получить правильную сегментацию опухоли. Это было реализовано в коде, упомянутом выше. Но когда я даю номер изображения и количество кластеров, это выдает ошибку, подобную следующей.

Enter image number: >? 01
Enter K value: >? 02
Centroids Initialized. Starting Assignments
Iteration #1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Lahiru Gayanga\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\IPython\core\interactiveshell.py", line 3319, in run_code
    exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  File "<ipython-input-2-8dce0adb6c87>", line 1, in <module>
    runfile('C:/Users/Lahiru Gayanga/Documents/FYP/thale/k-means/kmeans.py', wdir='C:/Users/Lahiru Gayanga/Documents/FYP/thale/k-means')
  File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2019.1.3\plugins\python\helpers\pydev\_pydev_bundle\pydev_umd.py", line 197, in runfile
    pydev_imports.execfile(filename, global_vars, local_vars)  # execute the script
  File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2019.1.3\plugins\python\helpers\pydev\_pydev_imps\_pydev_execfile.py", line 18, in execfile
    exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc)
  File "C:/Users/Lahiru Gayanga/Documents/FYP/thale/k-means/kmeans.py", line 134, in <module>
    result = startKmeans(k_input)
  File "C:/Users/Lahiru Gayanga/Documents/FYP/thale/k-means/kmeans.py", line 103, in startKmeans
    clusters = assignPixels(centroids)  # Assign each pixel in the image to their respective centroids
  File "C:/Users/Lahiru Gayanga/Documents/FYP/thale/k-means/kmeans.py", line 55, in assignPixels
    minIndex = getMin(px[x, y], centroids)
  File "C:/Users/Lahiru Gayanga/Documents/FYP/thale/k-means/kmeans.py", line 37, in getMin
    d = numpy.sqrt(int((centroids[i][0] - pixel[0])) ** 2 + int((centroids[i][1] - pixel[1])) ** 2 + int(
TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable

Я хотел знать, как решить эту проблему, и есть ли лучший способ ввода изображения и числа кластеров в систему.
