Проблема Janusgraph OLAP в поиске - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 04 мая 2020

когда мы фиксируем массовый запрос в janusgraph в OLAP и если есть какая-либо проблема вasticsearch, во время фиксации. Он не откатывает коммиты, сделанные Кассандрой, кто-нибудь знает, почему это так?

В janusgraph-core .jar внутренне этот метод вызывается в StandardJanusGraph.class -

   public void commit(Collection<InternalRelation> addedRelations, Collection<InternalRelation> deletedRelations, StandardJanusGraphTx tx) {
    if (!addedRelations.isEmpty() || !deletedRelations.isEmpty()) {
        log.debug("Saving transaction. Added {}, removed {}", addedRelations.size(), deletedRelations.size());
        if (!tx.getConfiguration().hasCommitTime()) {

        Instant txTimestamp = tx.getConfiguration().getCommitTime();
        long transactionId = this.txCounter.incrementAndGet();
        if (!tx.getConfiguration().hasAssignIDsImmediately()) {

        BackendTransaction mutator = tx.getTxHandle();
        boolean acquireLocks = tx.getConfiguration().hasAcquireLocks();
        boolean hasTxIsolation = this.backend.getStoreFeatures().hasTxIsolation();
        boolean logTransaction = this.config.hasLogTransactions() && !tx.getConfiguration().hasEnabledBatchLoading();
        KCVSLog txLog = logTransaction ? this.backend.getSystemTxLog() : null;
        TransactionLogHeader txLogHeader = new TransactionLogHeader(transactionId, txTimestamp, this.times);

        try {
            if (logTransaction) {
                Preconditions.checkNotNull(txLog, "Transaction log is null");
                txLog.add(txLogHeader.serializeModifications(this.serializer, LogTxStatus.PRECOMMIT, tx, addedRelations, deletedRelations), txLogHeader.getLogKey());

            boolean hasSchemaElements = !Iterables.isEmpty(Iterables.filter(deletedRelations, SCHEMA_FILTER)) || !Iterables.isEmpty(Iterables.filter(addedRelations, SCHEMA_FILTER));
            Preconditions.checkArgument(!hasSchemaElements || !tx.getConfiguration().hasEnabledBatchLoading() && acquireLocks, "Attempting to create schema elements in inconsistent state");
            StandardJanusGraph.ModificationSummary commitSummary;
            if (hasSchemaElements && !hasTxIsolation) {
                BackendTransaction schemaMutator = this.openBackendTransaction(tx);

                try {
                    commitSummary = this.prepareCommit(addedRelations, deletedRelations, SCHEMA_FILTER, schemaMutator, tx, acquireLocks);

                    assert commitSummary.hasModifications && !commitSummary.has2iModifications;
                } catch (Throwable var42) {
                    throw var42;

                try {
                } catch (Throwable var40) {
                    log.error("Could not commit transaction [" + transactionId + "] due to storage exception in system-commit", var40);
                    throw var40;

            commitSummary = this.prepareCommit(addedRelations, deletedRelations, hasTxIsolation ? NO_FILTER : NO_SCHEMA_FILTER, mutator, tx, acquireLocks);
            if (commitSummary.hasModifications) {
                String logTxIdentifier = tx.getConfiguration().getLogIdentifier();
                boolean hasSecondaryPersistence = logTxIdentifier != null || commitSummary.has2iModifications;
                if (logTransaction) {
                    txLog.add(txLogHeader.serializePrimary(this.serializer, hasSecondaryPersistence ? LogTxStatus.PRIMARY_SUCCESS : LogTxStatus.COMPLETE_SUCCESS), txLogHeader.getLogKey(), mutator.getTxLogPersistor());

                try {
                } catch (Throwable var39) {
                    log.error("Could not commit transaction [" + transactionId + "] due to storage exception in commit", var39);
                    throw var39;

                if (hasSecondaryPersistence) {
                    LogTxStatus status = LogTxStatus.SECONDARY_SUCCESS;
                    Map<String, Throwable> indexFailures = ImmutableMap.of();
                    boolean userlogSuccess = true;

                    try {
                        indexFailures = mutator.commitIndexes();
                        if (!((Map)indexFailures).isEmpty()) {
                            status = LogTxStatus.SECONDARY_FAILURE;
                            Iterator var20 = ((Map)indexFailures).entrySet().iterator();

                            while(var20.hasNext()) {
                                java.util.Map.Entry<String, Throwable> entry = (java.util.Map.Entry)var20.next();
                                log.error("Error while committing index mutations for transaction [" + transactionId + "] on index: " + (String)entry.getKey(), (Throwable)entry.getValue());

                        if (logTxIdentifier != null) {
                            try {
                                userlogSuccess = false;
                                Log userLog = this.backend.getUserLog(logTxIdentifier);
                                Future<Message> env = userLog.add(txLogHeader.serializeModifications(this.serializer, LogTxStatus.USER_LOG, tx, addedRelations, deletedRelations));
                                if (env.isDone()) {
                                    try {
                                    } catch (ExecutionException var37) {
                                        throw var37.getCause();

                                userlogSuccess = true;
                            } catch (Throwable var38) {
                                status = LogTxStatus.SECONDARY_FAILURE;
                                log.error("Could not user-log committed transaction [" + transactionId + "] to " + logTxIdentifier, var38);
                    } finally {
                        if (logTransaction) {
                            try {
                                txLog.add(txLogHeader.serializeSecondary(this.serializer, status, (Map)indexFailures, userlogSuccess), txLogHeader.getLogKey());
                            } catch (Throwable var36) {
                                log.error("Could not tx-log secondary persistence status on transaction [" + transactionId + "]", var36);

                } else {
            } else {

        } catch (Throwable var43) {
            log.error("Could not commit transaction [" + transactionId + "] due to exception", var43);

            try {
            } catch (Throwable var35) {
                log.error("Could not roll-back transaction [" + transactionId + "] after failure due to exception", var35);

            if (var43 instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException)var43;
            } else {
                throw new JanusGraphException("Unexpected exception", var43);

любая идея, почему они не выдают исключение для вторичного постоянства.
