\tikzset{every entity/.style = {top color=purple,bottom color=yellow!30,draw=blue!50!black!100,drop shadow},
every attribute/.style = {top color=white, bottom color=yellow!20,draw=yellow, drop shadow},
every relationship/.style = {top color=white, bottom color=red!20,draw=red!50!black!100, drop shadow},
every edg/.style={link},
every isa/.style = {top color=white, bottom color=green!20,draw=green!50!black!100, drop shadow}
\node[entity] (Artist) {Artist};
\node[attribute](AID)[above right= 1cm of Artist]{\key{Artist\_ID}};
\node[attribute](Name)[below = 1cm of Artist]{Name};
\node[attribute](Bplace)[above = 1cm of Artist]{Birthplace};
\node[attribute](age)[left = 1cm of Artist]{age};
\node[entity] (ArtFacts) [above right = 2em of Artist ] {ArtFacts} edge (Artist);
\node[attribute](AI)[right= 1cm of Artist]{\key{Art\_ID}};
\node[attribute](AID[below = 1cm of ArtFacts]{Artist\_ID};
\node[derived attribute](year)[above = 1cm of ArtFacts]{Year Created};
\node[attribute](title)[above left = 1cm of ArtFacts]{title};
\node[attribute](Price)[right = 1cm of ArtFacts]{price};
\node[attribute](medium)[below right = 1cm of ArtFacts]{medium};
Попытка создать диаграмму ER для проекта управления искусством. Встреча с ошибками компиляции, когда я запускаю 2-ю сущность и атрибуты. первая часть работает правильно