Я думаю, что основная проблема заключается в том, что основная часть веб-сайта, содержащая все изображения, загружается только тогда, когда вы открываете веб-сайт. Насколько мне известно, rvest
не может справиться с этой архитектурой веб-сайта. Использование RSelenium
немного сложнее, но отлично подходит для вашей задачи.
# open server session and open browser client ----
rD <- rsDriver(browser = c("firefox"), verbose = FALSE)
# adapt this to your browser version
remDr <- rD$client
# navitage to url in browser client ----
url <- "https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/urban-farm-florida/hammock-greens-vertical-hydroponic-urban-farm"
# access image elements using xpath ----
elements_image <- remDr$findElements(using = "xpath", "//*[@class='template asset']")
# using only "//img" would show all images on the site = 12
# for some time the xpath "//img[@class='fit lazyloaded']" worked as well, somehow it stopped doing so
# show number of images on site
# [1] 9
unlist(lapply(elements_image, function(x) {x$getElementAttribute("alt")}))
# print the attribute "alt" to check output
# [1] "Vertical Columns hold 18 heads of greens, fed by a closed circuit of nutrient-rich water. "
# [2] ""
# [3] ""
# [4] "our farms can be found in unused, unloved, and unlikely spaces"
# [5] "Overtown 1 location at Lotus House homeless shelter"
# [6] "led spectrum manipulated to encourage leafy-green growth"
# [7] "vertical columns are harvested and planted in the same day to maximize efficiency "
# [8] "Chef Aaron shows off some young Romaine"
# [9] "Farmer Thomas keeps the whole team moving"
# access video elements using xpath ----
elements_video <- remDr$findElements(using = "xpath", "//video")
# since there is only one video and since its class seems very specific for the video, "//video" seems the better solution here
# show number of videos on site
# [1] 1
unlist(lapply(elements_video, function(x) {x$getElementAttribute("class")}))
# print the attribute "class" to check output
# [1] "aspect-ratio--object z1 has_hls hide"
# close browser client and close server session ----