У меня проблема с использованием uniSharp Filemanager, после реализации всего, что указано на странице установки unisharp, TinyMce работает нормально, загрузка работает нормально, но после загрузки я ничего не вижу ... Нет эскизов, нет изображений (я вижу имена файлов, но ничего не могу с ними сделать) кажется, что он не перемещает файлы правильно. Я уже использовал Storage: link, использовал base_directory в файле lfm, но не повезло.
Footer Script:
<script src="//cdn.tinymce.com/4/tinymce.min.js"></script>
var editor_config = {
path_absolute : "/",
selector: "textarea#editor",
plugins: [
"advlist directionality autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak",
"searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen",
"insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality",
"emoticons template paste textcolor colorpicker textpattern"
toolbar: "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image media | ltr rtl",
relative_urls: false,
file_browser_callback : function(field_name, url, type, win) {
var x = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientWidth;
var y = window.innerHeight|| document.documentElement.clientHeight|| document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientHeight;
var cmsURL = editor_config.path_absolute + 'laravel-filemanager?field_name=' + field_name;
if (type == 'image') {
cmsURL = cmsURL + "&type=Images";
} else {
cmsURL = cmsURL + "&type=Files";
file : cmsURL,
title : 'Filemanager',
width : x * 0.8,
height : y * 0.8,
resizable : "yes",
close_previous : "no"
И мой файл lfm:
| Documentation for this config :
| online => http://unisharp.github.io/laravel-filemanager/config
| offline => vendor/unisharp/laravel-filemanager/docs/config.md
return [
| Routing
'use_package_routes' => true,
| Shared folder / Private folder
| If both options are set to false, then shared folder will be activated.
'allow_private_folder' => true,
// Flexible way to customize client folders accessibility
// If you want to customize client folders, publish tag="lfm_handler"
// Then you can rewrite userField function in App\Handler\ConfigHandler class
// And set 'user_field' to App\Handler\ConfigHandler::class
// Ex: The private folder of user will be named as the user id.
'private_folder_name' => UniSharp\LaravelFilemanager\Handlers\ConfigHandler::class,
'allow_shared_folder' => true,
'shared_folder_name' => 'shares',
| Folder Names
'base_directory' => 'public',
'images_folder_name' => 'photos',
'files_folder_name' => 'files',
'folder_categories' => [
'file' => [
'folder_name' => 'files',
'startup_view' => 'grid',
'max_size' => 50000, // size in KB
'valid_mime' => [
'image' => [
'folder_name' => 'photos',
'startup_view' => 'list',
'max_size' => 50000, // size in KB
'valid_mime' => [
| Pagination
'paginator' => [
'perPage' => 30,
| Upload / Validation
'disk' => 'public',
'rename_file' => false,
'alphanumeric_filename' => false,
'alphanumeric_directory' => false,
'should_validate_size' => false,
'should_validate_mime' => false,
// behavior on files with identical name
// setting it to true cause old file replace with new one
// setting it to false show `error-file-exist` error and stop upload
'over_write_on_duplicate' => false,
| Thumbnail
// If true, image thumbnails would be created during upload
'should_create_thumbnails' => true,
'thumb_folder_name' => 'thumbs',
// Create thumbnails automatically only for listed types.
'raster_mimetypes' => [
'thumb_img_width' => 200, // px
'thumb_img_height' => 200, // px
| File Extension Information
'file_type_array' => [
'pdf' => 'Adobe Acrobat',
'doc' => 'Microsoft Word',
'docx' => 'Microsoft Word',
'xls' => 'Microsoft Excel',
'xlsx' => 'Microsoft Excel',
'zip' => 'Archive',
'gif' => 'GIF Image',
'jpg' => 'JPEG Image',
'jpeg' => 'JPEG Image',
'png' => 'PNG Image',
'ppt' => 'Microsoft PowerPoint',
'pptx' => 'Microsoft PowerPoint',
| php.ini override
| These values override your php.ini settings before uploading files
| Set these to false to ingnore and apply your php.ini settings
| Please note that the 'upload_max_filesize' & 'post_max_size'
| directives are not supported.
'php_ini_overrides' => [
'memory_limit' => '256M',
Как выглядит проблема