Unity3D и OpenCV с использованием настраиваемой камеры (AruCo) - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 01 августа 2020
• 1000 я могу представить, но это просто не работает для меня. Я тестировал так много вещей, поэтому опубликуйте свой код для AruCo, и, возможно, кто-то может помочь мне исправить это, код не показывает никаких ошибок, но он также ничего не обнаруживает или, как минимум, я ожидал, что будут обнаружены отклоненные углы.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.Calib3dModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.ArucoModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.UnityUtils;
using Leap.Unity;
using Utils = OpenCVForUnity.UnityUtils.Utils;
using OpenCVForUnity.ImgprocModule;

namespace OpenCVForUnityExample
    /// <summary>
    /// ArUco Example
    /// An example of marker-based AR view and camera pose estimation using the aruco (ArUco Marker Detection) module.
    /// Referring to https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/blob/master/modules/aruco/samples/detect_markers.cpp.
    /// http://docs.opencv.org/3.1.0/d5/dae/tutorial_aruco_detection.html
    /// </summary>
    public class ArUcoExample_LM : MonoBehaviour
        /// <summary>
        /// The image texture.
        /// </summary>
        public Texture2D imgTexture;

        [Space (10)]

        /// <summary>
        /// The dictionary identifier.
        /// </summary>
        public ArUcoDictionary dictionaryId = ArUcoDictionary.DICT_6X6_250;

        /// <summary>
        /// The dictionary id dropdown.
        /// </summary>
        public Dropdown dictionaryIdDropdown;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if shows rejected corners.
        /// </summary>
        public bool showRejectedCorners = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// The shows rejected corners toggle.
        /// </summary>
        public Toggle showRejectedCornersToggle;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if applied the pose estimation.
        /// </summary>
        public bool applyEstimationPose = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// The length of the markers' side. Normally, unit is meters.
        /// </summary>
        public float markerLength = 0.1f;

        /// <summary>
        /// The AR game object.
        /// </summary>
        public GameObject arGameObject;
        /// <summary>
        /// The AR camera.
        /// </summary>
        public Camera arCamera;

        [Space (10)]

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if request the AR camera moving.
        /// </summary>
        public bool shouldMoveARCamera = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// The rgb mat.
        /// </summary>
        Mat rgbMat;
        Mat ids;
        List<Mat> corners;
        List<Mat> rejectedCorners;
        Mat rvecs;
        Mat tvecs;
        Mat rotMat;
        Mat gray;
        Mat bw;

        DetectorParameters detectorParams;
        Dictionary dictionary;

        /// <summary>
        /// The texture.
        /// </summary>
        public Texture2D texture;

        public LM_Texture2DToMat_ZED LMD;

        Mat hierarchy;
        List<MatOfPoint> contours;

        // Use this for initialization
        void Start ()
            ids = new Mat();
            corners = new List<Mat>();
            rejectedCorners = new List<Mat>();
            rvecs = new Mat();
            tvecs = new Mat();
            rotMat = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_64FC1);

            detectorParams = DetectorParameters.create();
            dictionary = Aruco.getPredefinedDictionary((int)dictionaryId);

            hierarchy = new Mat();
            contours = new List<MatOfPoint>();


        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            imgTexture = LMD.myCroppedTex2d;
            if (imgTexture != null)

                //gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = imgTexture;  //THIS WAS JUST TO VALIDATE THE TEXTURE WAS COMMING PROPERLY.
                if (rgbMat == null)
                    //rgbMat = new Mat(imgTexture.height, imgTexture.width, CvType.CV_8UC3);
                    rgbMat = LMD.outputMAT;
                    rgbMat.convertTo(rgbMat, CvType.CV_8UC3);
                    Debug.LogWarning("MAT INFO: "+rgbMat+" COLS: "+rgbMat.cols());
                    texture = new Texture2D(rgbMat.cols(), rgbMat.rows(), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
                dictionaryIdDropdown.value = (int)dictionaryId;
                showRejectedCornersToggle.isOn = showRejectedCorners;

        private void DetectMarkers ()

            Utils.texture2DToMat (imgTexture, rgbMat);   // <-- does not work the image breaks from there.
                                                         //Debug.Log ("imgMat dst ToString " + rgbMat.ToString ());

            //rgbMat = LMD.outputMAT;
            //rgbMat.convertTo(rgbMat, CvType.CV_32SC2);
            //rgbMat.convertTo(rgbMat, CvType.CV_8UC1);
            //Debug.Log("imgMat dst ToString " + rgbMat.ToString());
            //Utils.matToTexture2D(rgbMat, texture);      // <-- if you disable line 121,297 and 295 and comment out this 3 lines, you get a blinking image.
            //gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = texture;

            //gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (imgTexture.width, imgTexture.height, 1);
            //Debug.Log ("Screen.width " + Screen.width + " Screen.height " + Screen.height + " Screen.orientation " + Screen.orientation);

            float width = rgbMat.width ();
            float height = rgbMat.height ();

            float imageSizeScale = 1.0f;
            float widthScale = (float)Screen.width / width;
            float heightScale = (float)Screen.height / height;
            if (widthScale < heightScale) {
                Camera.main.orthographicSize = (width * (float)Screen.height / (float)Screen.width) / 2;
                imageSizeScale = (float)Screen.height / (float)Screen.width;
            } else {
                Camera.main.orthographicSize = height / 2;

            // set camera parameters.
            int max_d = (int)Mathf.Max (width, height);
            double fx = max_d;
            double fy = max_d;
            double cx = width / 2.0f;
            double cy = height / 2.0f;
            Mat camMatrix = new Mat (3, 3, CvType.CV_64FC1);
            camMatrix.put (0, 0, fx);
            camMatrix.put (0, 1, 0);
            camMatrix.put (0, 2, cx);
            camMatrix.put (1, 0, 0);
            camMatrix.put (1, 1, fy);
            camMatrix.put (1, 2, cy);
            camMatrix.put (2, 0, 0);
            camMatrix.put (2, 1, 0);
            camMatrix.put (2, 2, 1.0f);
            //Debug.Log ("camMatrix " + camMatrix.dump ());  //Dont care about this right now

            MatOfDouble distCoeffs = new MatOfDouble (0, 0, 0, 0);
            //Debug.Log ("distCoeffs " + distCoeffs.dump ()); //Dont care about this right now

            // calibration camera matrix values.
            Size imageSize = new Size (width * imageSizeScale, height * imageSizeScale);
            double apertureWidth = 0;
            double apertureHeight = 0;
            double[] fovx = new double[1];
            double[] fovy = new double[1];
            double[] focalLength = new double[1];
            Point principalPoint = new Point (0, 0);
            double[] aspectratio = new double[1];

            Calib3d.calibrationMatrixValues (camMatrix, imageSize, apertureWidth, apertureHeight, fovx, fovy, focalLength, principalPoint, aspectratio);

            //Debug.Log ("imageSize " + imageSize.ToString ());
            //Debug.Log ("apertureWidth " + apertureWidth);
            //Debug.Log ("apertureHeight " + apertureHeight);
            //Debug.Log ("fovx " + fovx [0]);
            //Debug.Log ("fovy " + fovy [0]);
            //Debug.Log ("focalLength " + focalLength [0]);
            //Debug.Log ("principalPoint " + principalPoint.ToString ());
            //Debug.Log ("aspectratio " + aspectratio [0]);

            // To convert the difference of the FOV value of the OpenCV and Unity. 
            double fovXScale = (2.0 * Mathf.Atan ((float)(imageSize.width / (2.0 * fx)))) / (Mathf.Atan2 ((float)cx, (float)fx) + Mathf.Atan2 ((float)(imageSize.width - cx), (float)fx));
            double fovYScale = (2.0 * Mathf.Atan ((float)(imageSize.height / (2.0 * fy)))) / (Mathf.Atan2 ((float)cy, (float)fy) + Mathf.Atan2 ((float)(imageSize.height - cy), (float)fy));

            //Debug.Log ("fovXScale " + fovXScale); //Dont care about this right now
            //Debug.Log ("fovYScale " + fovYScale); //Dont care about this right now

            // Adjust Unity Camera FOV https://github.com/opencv/opencv/commit/8ed1945ccd52501f5ab22bdec6aa1f91f1e2cfd4
            if (widthScale < heightScale) {
                arCamera.fieldOfView = (float)(fovx [0] * fovXScale);
            } else {
                arCamera.fieldOfView = (float)(fovy [0] * fovYScale);
            // Display objects near the camera.
            arCamera.nearClipPlane = 0.01f;

            //Debug.Log("RGBMAT " + rgbMat);
            //Debug.Log("Dictionary " + dictionary);
            //Debug.Log("corners " + corners);
            //Debug.Log("ids " + ids);
            //Debug.Log("detectorParams " + detectorParams);
            //Debug.Log("rejectedCorners " + rejectedCorners);
            //Debug.Log("camMatrix " + camMatrix);
            //Debug.Log("distCoeffs " + distCoeffs);

            if (gray == null)
                gray = new Mat();
            Imgproc.cvtColor(rgbMat, gray, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

            // Convert image to binary
            if (bw == null)
                bw = new Mat();
            Imgproc.threshold(gray, bw, 50, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY | Imgproc.THRESH_OTSU);

            // detect markers.  ////////////////////////////////////// if you enable it breaks
            Aruco.detectMarkers (gray, dictionary, corners, ids, detectorParams, rejectedCorners, camMatrix, distCoeffs);

            // if at least one marker detected
            if (ids.total () > 0) {
                Debug.Log("some ids");
                Aruco.drawDetectedMarkers (rgbMat, corners, ids, new Scalar (0, 255, 0));

                // estimate pose.
                if (applyEstimationPose) {
                    Debug.Log("this is progress");
                    Aruco.estimatePoseSingleMarkers (corners, markerLength, camMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecs, tvecs);

                    for (int i = 0; i < ids.total (); i++) {
                        using (Mat rvec = new Mat (rvecs, new OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.Rect (0, i, 1, 1)))
                        using (Mat tvec = new Mat (tvecs, new OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.Rect (0, i, 1, 1))) {
                            // In this example we are processing with RGB color image, so Axis-color correspondences are X: blue, Y: green, Z: red. (Usually X: red, Y: green, Z: blue)
                            Calib3d.drawFrameAxes(rgbMat, camMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec, tvec, markerLength * 0.5f);
                        // This example can display the ARObject on only first detected marker.
                        if (i == 0) {

                            // Get translation vector
                            double[] tvecArr = tvecs.get (i, 0);

                            // Get rotation vector
                            double[] rvecArr = rvecs.get (i, 0);
                            Mat rvec = new Mat (3, 1, CvType.CV_64FC1);
                            rvec.put (0, 0, rvecArr);

                            // Convert rotation vector to rotation matrix.
                            Calib3d.Rodrigues (rvec, rotMat);
                            double[] rotMatArr = new double[rotMat.total ()];
                            rotMat.get (0, 0, rotMatArr);

                            // Convert OpenCV camera extrinsic parameters to Unity Matrix4x4.
                            Matrix4x4 transformationM = new Matrix4x4 (); // from OpenCV
                            transformationM.SetRow (0, new Vector4 ((float)rotMatArr [0], (float)rotMatArr [1], (float)rotMatArr [2], (float)tvecArr [0]));
                            transformationM.SetRow (1, new Vector4 ((float)rotMatArr [3], (float)rotMatArr [4], (float)rotMatArr [5], (float)tvecArr [1]));
                            transformationM.SetRow (2, new Vector4 ((float)rotMatArr [6], (float)rotMatArr [7], (float)rotMatArr [8], (float)tvecArr [2]));
                            transformationM.SetRow (3, new Vector4 (0, 0, 0, 1));
                            Debug.Log ("transformationM " + transformationM.ToString ());

                            Matrix4x4 invertYM = Matrix4x4.TRS (Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3 (1, -1, 1));
                            Debug.Log ("invertYM " + invertYM.ToString ());

                            // right-handed coordinates system (OpenCV) to left-handed one (Unity)
                            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30234945/change-handedness-of-a-row-major-4x4-transformation-matrix
                            Matrix4x4 ARM = invertYM * transformationM * invertYM;

                            if (shouldMoveARCamera) {

                                ARM = arGameObject.transform.localToWorldMatrix * ARM.inverse;

                                Debug.Log ("ARM " + ARM.ToString ());

                                ARUtils.SetTransformFromMatrix (arCamera.transform, ref ARM);

                            } else {

                                ARM = arCamera.transform.localToWorldMatrix * ARM;

                                Debug.Log ("ARM " + ARM.ToString ());

                                ARUtils.SetTransformFromMatrix (arGameObject.transform, ref ARM);

            if (showRejectedCorners && rejectedCorners.Count > 0)
                Debug.Log("Show Rejected Corners");
                Aruco.drawDetectedMarkers (rgbMat, rejectedCorners, new Mat (), new Scalar (255, 0, 0));

            Utils.matToTexture2D (rgbMat, texture);
            gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = texture;

        private void ResetObjectTransform ()
            // reset AR object transform.
            Matrix4x4 i = Matrix4x4.identity;
            ARUtils.SetTransformFromMatrix (arCamera.transform, ref i);
            ARUtils.SetTransformFromMatrix (arGameObject.transform, ref i);

        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the destroy event.
        /// </summary>
        void OnDestroy ()
            if (rgbMat != null)
                rgbMat.Dispose ();

        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the back button click event.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnBackButtonClick ()
            SceneManager.LoadScene ("OpenCVForUnityExample");

        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the dictionary id dropdown value changed event.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnDictionaryIdDropdownValueChanged (int result)
            if ((int)dictionaryId != result) {
                dictionaryId = (ArUcoDictionary)result;

                ResetObjectTransform ();

                DetectMarkers ();

        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the show rejected corners toggle value changed event.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnShowRejectedCornersToggleValueChanged ()
            if (showRejectedCorners != showRejectedCornersToggle.isOn) {
                showRejectedCorners = showRejectedCornersToggle.isOn;

                ResetObjectTransform ();

                DetectMarkers ();

        public enum ArUcoDictionary
            DICT_4X4_50 = Aruco.DICT_4X4_50,
            DICT_4X4_100 = Aruco.DICT_4X4_100,
            DICT_4X4_250 = Aruco.DICT_4X4_250,
            DICT_4X4_1000 = Aruco.DICT_4X4_1000,
            DICT_5X5_50 = Aruco.DICT_5X5_50,
            DICT_5X5_100 = Aruco.DICT_5X5_100,
            DICT_5X5_250 = Aruco.DICT_5X5_250,
            DICT_5X5_1000 = Aruco.DICT_5X5_1000,
            DICT_6X6_50 = Aruco.DICT_6X6_50,
            DICT_6X6_100 = Aruco.DICT_6X6_100,
            DICT_6X6_250 = Aruco.DICT_6X6_250,
            DICT_6X6_1000 = Aruco.DICT_6X6_1000,
            DICT_7X7_50 = Aruco.DICT_7X7_50,
            DICT_7X7_100 = Aruco.DICT_7X7_100,
            DICT_7X7_250 = Aruco.DICT_7X7_250,
            DICT_7X7_1000 = Aruco.DICT_7X7_1000,



1 Ответ

1 голос
/ 12 августа 2020

Проблема с кодом заключалась в том, что изображения поступали как текстура Alpha8, а OpenCV работает с текстурой RGB, поэтому, когда я конвертировал в RGB, часть A была удалена из изображения, которое было практически единственным содержимым в нем.

Решение было опубликовано в этой другой ветке: Решение для изменения формата с Alpha8 на текстуру RGBA.
