Изменить: Возможно, мне нужно проверить свое предположение ... Есть ли способ визуализировать svg, чтобы элемент, лежащий в основе другого элемента, мог получать события?
![![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/RDo5P.png)
The red circle does not respond to its hover event where it is under the clipped circle.
The rectangle iindicates the masked and clipped area of the green circle.
I want the visible red and green areas to both receive pointer events.
How would I get the whole red circle to respond - It has to underly the green circle.
<svg id="svg_wrp" width="600" height="600" style='z-index:2'>
<mask id="green_mask">
<circle cx="300" cy="300" r="200" fill="#fff"></circle>
<rect x="100" y="50" width="400" height="200" fill="#000"></rect>
<clipPath id="green_clip">
<rect x="100" y="50" width="400" height="200" fill='#000'></rect>
<!-- Following for reference only -->
<rect x="100" y="50" width="400" height="200" stroke="#080" fill="none"></rect>
<circle cx="300" cy="300" r="200" fill="rgba(0 0 255 /.2)" stroke="#080"></circle>
<!-- Above for reference only -->
<circle cx="300" cy="50" r="100" fill="rgba(255 0 0 /1)" class="hover_it" ></circle>
<!-- Following circle will have top part hidden, but mask does not prevent events -->
<circle id="green_hide_area"
cx="300" cy="300" r="200" fill="rgba(0 255 0 /1)" class="hover_it" mask="url(#green_mask)" ></circle>
<!-- Following circle will prevent events -->
<circle id="green_event_stop"
cx="300" cy="300" r="200" fill="transparent" clip-path="url(#green_clip)" ></circle>