По сути, то, что говорит заголовок, по какой-либо причине, когда я вызываю clientContext.ExecuteQuery();
и, например, в списке, в который входят данные, отсутствует столбец, я не получаю исключения, он на самом деле просто работает, как ожидалось, и у меня на go и выясните, что могло стать причиной отсутствия данных.
Я использую пакет NuGet Microsoft.SharePoint2016.CSOM версия 16.0.4690.1000
Приветствуются любые намеки или предложения, указывающие мне в правильном направлении. Вполне возможно, что я здесь немного тупой.
Вот полный блок кода, который я использую для обновления элементов списка:
public override object UpdateEntity(object entity)
if (entity == null)
// if the definition is null throw argument null exception.
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(SharePointDefinition));
// check for incorrect type being passed in that we can still handle
if (entity is List<SharePointDefinition> definitions)
return UpdateEntities(definitions);
ExceptionHandlingScope exceptionScopeFetch = new ExceptionHandlingScope(clientContext);
ExceptionHandlingScope exceptionScopeSubmit = new ExceptionHandlingScope(clientContext);
// run single definition submit to SP.
if (entity is SharePointDefinition definition)
// variables.
IntegrationEventLog log = new IntegrationEventLog();
EventInformation ei = new EventInformation();
List list = null;
ListItemCollection listItemCol = null;
using (exceptionScopeFetch.StartScope())
using (exceptionScopeFetch.StartTry())
// get the required list
list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(definition.ListName);
// create query
listItemCol = list.GetItems(CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery());
// set these items for retrieval.
using (exceptionScopeFetch.StartCatch())
// Assume that if there's an exception, it can only be
// because there is no list with the specified title, so report this back.
if (exceptionScopeFetch.HasException)
ei = new EventInformation()
LoggingEventType = LoggingEventType.DataSentFailure,
LoggingSeverity = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity,
SerialisedMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(definition),
ServiceMessage = $"Hit SharePoint exception handler during list and data pull: Message: {exceptionScopeFetch.ErrorMessage}",
StackTrace = exceptionScopeFetch.ServerStackTrace,
TimeGenerated = DateTime.Now,
TimeWritten = DateTime.Now,
log.EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error;
log.EventID = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity;
log.Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ei);
using (exceptionScopeFetch.StartFinally())
// get item instances first
catch (Exception genEx)
// return failure log.
ei = new EventInformation()
LoggingEventType = LoggingEventType.DataSentFailure,
LoggingSeverity = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity,
SerialisedMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(definition),
ServiceMessage = "Errored trying to get data from SharePoint list ready for update operation; see stacktrace for more information.",
StackTrace = genEx.StackTrace,
TimeGenerated = DateTime.Now,
TimeWritten = DateTime.Now,
log.EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error;
log.EventID = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity;
log.Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ei);
return false;
// this is the column we want to overwrite.
var comparisonColumn = definition.UpdateIdentifier ?? "";
//List col to dict
var listItems = listItemCol.Cast<ListItem>().ToList();
// Now we know if we were able to retrieve existing data, perform submit.
using (exceptionScopeSubmit.StartScope())
using (exceptionScopeSubmit.StartTry())
// loop through our rows
foreach (var row in definition.RowData)
int existingItemIndex = -1;
// see if the row exists already
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comparisonColumn) && listItems.Count != 0)
existingItemIndex = listItems.FindIndex(x => x[comparisonColumn].ToString() == row[comparisonColumn]);
if (existingItemIndex != -1 && listItems.Count != 0)
// item exists - loop through our row columns
foreach (var keyValuePair in row)
// they key relates to a column, the Value to the rows colum Value.
listItems[existingItemIndex].ParseAndSetFieldValue(keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value);
// update this item
ListItemCreationInformation itemCreateInfo = new ListItemCreationInformation();
ListItem newItem = list.AddItem(itemCreateInfo);
// loop through our row columns
foreach (var keyValuePair in row)
// they key relates to a column, the Value to the rows colum Value.
newItem[keyValuePair.Key] = keyValuePair.Value;
using (exceptionScopeSubmit.StartCatch())
// Assume that if there's an exception, it can only be
// because there is no list with the specified title, so report this back.
if (exceptionScopeFetch.HasException)
ei = new EventInformation()
LoggingEventType = LoggingEventType.DataSentFailure,
LoggingSeverity = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity,
SerialisedMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(definition),
ServiceMessage = $"Error at SharePoint exception handler during submit to list: Message: {exceptionScopeFetch.ErrorMessage}",
StackTrace = exceptionScopeFetch.ServerStackTrace,
TimeGenerated = DateTime.Now,
TimeWritten = DateTime.Now,
log.EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error;
log.EventID = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity;
log.Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ei);
using (exceptionScopeSubmit.StartFinally())
// try to execute submit.
ei = new EventInformation()
LoggingEventType = LoggingEventType.DataSentSuccess,
LoggingSeverity = LoggingSeverity.Information,
SerialisedMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(definition),
ServiceMessage = "No exceptions were thrown from the Execution process.",
StackTrace = "",
TimeGenerated = DateTime.Now,
TimeWritten = DateTime.Now,
log.EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Information;
log.EventID = LoggingSeverity.Information;
log.Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ei);
catch (Exception genEx)
ei = new EventInformation()
LoggingEventType = LoggingEventType.DataSentFailure,
LoggingSeverity = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity,
SerialisedMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(definition),
ServiceMessage = $"Data failed to be updated within SharePoint - {genEx.Message} - see stacktrace for more information.",
StackTrace = genEx.StackTrace,
TimeGenerated = DateTime.Now,
TimeWritten = DateTime.Now,
log.EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error;
log.EventID = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity;
log.Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ei);
return false;
return true;
// If a different definition type is passed in throw an appropriate exception.
// This should be caught at runtime only.
throw new TypeLoadException(nameof(SharePointDefinition));