Аргумент типа "тип" не повторяется. Как? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 10 июля 2020
money = 0
day = 1
items = []

def gameplay():
    global items
    global money
    global day
    energy = 10
    work = 0
    while True:
        print("Type 'help' for assistance")
        play = str(input("-> ")).strip()
        if play.lower() == "help":
Type :   To :                                         Cost:
'Work'    Get Money (only once then next day)          5 Energy
'Mall'    Buy Stuff                                    5 Energy
'Items'   Check Inventory                              N/A
'Money'   Check Balance Of Money                       N/A
'Energy'  Check Balance Of Energy                      N/A
'Day'     Check your day, day 1 , day 2 etc.           N/A
'Done'    End Your Day                                 N/A    """)
        elif play.lower() == "work":
            if work == 1:
                print("You have already worked!")
                energy -= 5
                money += 5
                work += 1
                print("You now have $%s and %s Energy" % (money, energy))
        elif play.lower() == "mall":
            energy -= 5
            while True:
                print("What do you want to do?")
Type :   To:                                     Cost:
Coffee   Buy Normal Coffee : +2 energy next day   $4
Lottery  Buy A Lottery Ticket (per day)           $10
Money    Check Balance Of Money                   N/A
Energy   Check Balance Of Energy                  N/A
Items    Check Your Inventory                     N/A
Exit     Exit the shopping mall                   N/A
                mall = input("-> ").strip()
                if mall.lower() == "coffee":
                    if "coffee" in list:
                        print("You have already bought a cup of coffee!")
                    elif money < 4:
                        print("You don't have enough money!")
                        print("You bought a coffee")
                if mall.lower() == "lottery":
                    if "Lottery Ticket" in list:
                        print("You have already bought a ticket! Try again next day!")
                    lot = random.randint(1, 20)
                    jack = random.randint(100, 1000)
                    while True:
                        if money < 10:
                            print("You don't have enough money!")
                            list.append("Lottery Ticket")
                            money -= 10
                            print("Choose a number between 1 to 20")
                                lotg = int(input("-> "))
                                if lotg == lot:
                                    print("Congratulations you have won $%s" % (jack))
                                    money += jack
                                elif lotg != lot:
                                    print("Sorry but you lost! Good luck Next Time")
                            except ValueError:
                                print("Please Type A Number")
                elif mall.lower() == "money":
                    print("You currently have $%s" % (money))
                elif mall.lower() == "energy":
                    print("You currently have %s" % (energy))
                elif mall.lower() == "items":
                    print("These are your following items:")
                elif mall.lower() == "exit":
                    print("Exiting mall......")
        elif play.lower() == "items":
            print("These are your following items:")
        elif play.lower() == "money":
            print("You currently have $%s" % (money))
        elif play.lower() == "energy":
            print("You currently have %s" % (energy))
        elif play.lower() == "day" :
            print("Its Day %s " % (day))
        elif play.lower() == "done":
            while True:
                print("Are You Sure?")
                sure = str(input("-> "))
                if sure.lower() not in ["yes","no"]:
                    print("Please Type Yes Or No ")
                elif sure.lower() == "yes":
                    print("Going Home For Next Day........")
                elif sure.lower() == "no":

def noenergy():
    print("You don't have enough energy to do that")

def home():
    print("You are at home..")

Иногда показывает:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/alex/.config/JetBrains/PyCharm2020.1/scratches/scratch_718.py", line 120, in <module>
  File "/home/alex/.config/JetBrains/PyCharm2020.1/scratches/scratch_718.py", line 50, in gameplay
    if "coffee" in list:
TypeError: argument of type 'type' is not iterable

, когда я тестирую его в этом порядке

  1. ввод -> торговый центр

  2. ввод -> кофе

  3. Должно появиться сообщение об ошибке

Пытался заменить часть while l oop на для l oop, но все то же самое, и я не могу найти никаких ответов на одном веб-сайте

Почему это происходит? L oop? Список? Ввод?

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 10 июля 2020

list не является переменной, содержащей список, это тип (отсюда и сообщение об ошибке) объектов списка.

Похоже, вы хотели использовать переменную items который представляет собой список и забыл или запутался.
