Код, кажется, продолжает ломаться, когда я добавляю новые вещи. Игра должна просить драться или пропустить. когда выбран бой, игра сражается. Если выбран пропуск, игра переходит к следующему бою до конца. Если выбрана отмена, игра должна сказать, что ввод неверен. Тем не менее, он ломается, и я могу просто нажать Enter, ничего не вводя, и игра продолжается до конца. Даже chrome devtools не обнаруживает скрипт до тех пор, пока все не будет запущено.
// Game States
// "WIN" - Player robot has defeated all enemy robots
// * Fight all enemy robots
// * Defeat each enemy robot
// "LOSE" - Player robot's health is zero or less
var playerName = window.prompt("What is your robot's name?");
var playerHealth = 100;
var playerAttack = 10;
var playerMoney = 10;
var enemyNames = ["Roborto", "Amy Android", "Robo Trumble"];
var enemyHealth = 50;
var enemyAttack = 12;
var fight = function(enemyName) {
while (playerHealth > 0 && enemyHealth > 0) {
// ask user if they'd liked to fight or run
var promptFight = window.prompt('Would you like FIGHT or SKIP this battle? Enter "FIGHT" or "SKIP" to choose.');
// if user picks "skip" confirm and then stop the loop
if (promptFight === "skip" || promptFight === "SKIP") {
// confirm user wants to skip
var confirmSkip = window.confirm("Are you sure you'd like to quit?");
// if yes (true), leave fight
if (confirmSkip) {
window.alert(playerName + ' has decided to skip this fight. Goodbye!');
// subtract money from playerMoney for skipping
playerMoney = playerMoney - 10;
console.log("playerMoney", playerMoney)
// remove enemy's health by subtracting the amount set in the playerAttack variable
enemyHealth = enemyHealth - playerAttack;
playerName + ' attacked ' + enemyName + '. ' + enemyName + ' now has ' + enemyHealth + ' health remaining.'
// check enemy's health
if (enemyHealth <= 0) {
window.alert(enemyName + ' has died!');
// award player money for winning
playerMoney = playerMoney + 20;
// leave while() loop since enemy is dead
} else {
window.alert(enemyName + ' still has ' + enemyHealth + ' health left.');
// remove players's health by subtracting the amount set in the enemyAttack variable
playerHealth = playerHealth - enemyAttack;
enemyName + ' attacked ' + playerName + '. ' + playerName + ' now has ' + playerHealth + ' health remaining.'
// check player's health
if (playerHealth <= 0) {
window.alert(playerName + ' has died!');
// leave while() loop if player is dead
} else {
window.alert(playerName + ' still has ' + playerHealth + ' health left.');
for (var i = 0; i < enemyNames.length; i++) {
if (playerHealth > 0) {
window.alert("Welcome to Robot Gladiators! Round " + (i + 1));
var pickedEnemyName = enemyNames[i];
enemyHealth = 50;
// debugger;
// fight();