У меня есть CSV-файл, который нужно загрузить в коллекцию mon go db, как я могу загрузить в коллекцию имя, предположим, что очистка в db. как я могу импортировать с помощью mongoimport.
_id ban attuid trblFndCode causeCode jobId wrid wrStatus dispatchStartTime dispatchEndTime narrativeText dispatchTimeZone returnReasonCode returnReasonDesc dbName ijackPlacedInd ijackOverReasonCode ijackOverReason areaOfIntrest areaName extKey extKey2 plantEquipType dwaActivity activityCount activitySpans recordPublishIndicator recordPublishDateTime
284216618 je449y 252 656 W0203022782 99122249 DISPATCH 2020-07-23T02:26:00Z 2020-07-23T04:01:00Z je449y; cx wantedTo relocate rg due to not getting speeds purchased upgraded cx to 50x10 looked for phone jacks but none available to relocate rg separated 2.4 and 5ghz and changed channel cx getting speeds purchased PACIFIC zlp24827.vci.att.com:1524:p1c3d842 L47988266 W0203022782 ATLAS-IEFS N
306767694 jp109y W0200012441 99072831 DISPATCH 2020-07-23T01:42:00Z 2020-07-23T04:03:00Z jp109y; pair changes... CIM assist. Cat5 homerun Internet registered and active BBTgnpCXvp. PACIFIC zlp24827.vci.att.com:1524:p1c3d842 5823735537 W0200012441 ATLAS-IEFS N
135845316 av1734 420 302 W0202029664 99098470 DISPATCH 2020-07-22T15:16:00Z 2020-07-23T04:12:00Z av1734; repaired underground and new modem added PACIFIC zlp24827.vci.att.com:1524:p1c3d842 L47850729 W0202029664 ATLAS-IEFS N
306833837 jg104x W0203027621 99125008 DISPATCH 2020-07-23T01:21:00Z 2020-07-23T04:18:00Z jg104x; installed RG in LVGR HSIA 3 devices customized SSID and password bbt pass. PACIFIC zlp24827.vci.att.com:1524:p1c3d842 5804912395 W0203027621 ATLAS-IEFS N
151563504 jl6484 W0202020573 99093024 DISPATCH 2020-07-23T00:40:00Z 2020-07-23T04:30:00Z jl6484; removed bt in 2 locations access issues to terminal. True test failed due to bt on f1. Cst needs IW run. Sync good to sni. PACIFIC zlp24827.vci.att.com:1524:p1c3d842 5801222767 W0202020573 ATLAS-IEFS N
Пробовали с помощью команды ниже, но получаете ошибку ниже, пожалуйста, предложите:
[motive@al15423 sil]$ /home/motive/fon/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-4.0.5/bin/mongoimport --host nonprod-sfldmibb-al15423-001-ingress.idns.cci.att.com:32414 -u 'hub' -p 'ccess' --authenticationDatabase admin --db agentaction --collection hubdwarecordscleanups --type csv --headerline --file /tmp/DWA_Records_23-July_2020.csv
2020-08-04T10:32:23.645-0400 connected to: nonprod-sfldmibb-zlt16161-001-ingress.idns.cci.att.com:32414
2020-08-04T10:32:24.499-0400 error inserting documents: E11000 duplicate key error collection: agentaction.hubdwarecordscleanups index: _id_ dup key: { : "" }
2020-08-04T10:32:25.115-0400 error inserting documents: E11000 duplicate key error collection: agentaction.hubdwarecordscleanups index: _id_ dup key: { : "" }
2020-08-04T10:32:25.528-0400 error inserting documents: E11000 duplicate key error collection: agentaction.hubdwarecordscleanups index: _id_ dup key: { : "" }
2020-08-04T10:32:25.876-0400 error inserting documents: E11000 duplicate key error collection: agentaction.hubdwarecordscleanups index: _id_ dup key: { : "" }
2020-08-04T10:32:26.193-0400 error inserting documents: E11000 duplicate key error collection: agentaction.hubdwarecordscleanups index: _