The header and footer of the card is a little less then the body. Showing a little white on both sides. How do I stretch the header and footer so that it fills to the sides?
Thank you.
code snippet:
<% = link_to «Редактировать профиль пользователя», edit_user_path (@, style: 'color: #FFFFFF'%> Статьи <% @ user.articles.each_slice (3) do | article | %> <% article.each do | article | %> <% = link_to "", article_path (, class: "stretch-link"%> автор: <% = article.user.username%> <% = article.title%> <% = truncate (article.description, length: 100)%>
Создано <% = time_ago_in_words (article.created_at)%> a go, отредактировано <% = time_ago_in_words (article.updated_at)%> <% end%> < % конец%>