Как провести модульное тестирование компонента, имеющего свойство ref - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 28 мая 2020

Как вы проводите модульное тестирование компонента, имеющего свойство ref? Я получаю эту ошибку

● Должен отображаться ›должен отображаться

TypeError: Cannot add property current, object is not extensible

Я посмотрел на другой вопрос Модульное тестирование React component ref , но на этот вопрос нет решения.

это тест


import "@testing-library/jest-dom";
import React from "react";
import { CommentListComponent as CommentList } from "./CommentList";
import { render, getByText, queryByText, getAllByTestId } from "@testing-library/react";

const props = {
    user: {},
    postId: null,
    userId: null,
    currentUser: {},
    ref: {},
    comments: [
            author: { username: "barnowl", gravatar: "https://api.adorable.io/avatars/400/bf1eed82fbe37add91cb4192e4d14de6.png", bio: null },
            comment_body: "fsfsfsfsfs",
            createdAt: "2020-05-27T14:32:01.682Z",
            gifUrl: "",
            id: 520,
            postId: 28,
            updatedAt: "2020-05-27T14:32:01.682Z",
            userId: 9,
            author: { username: "barnowl", gravatar: "https://api.adorable.io/avatars/400/bf1eed82fbe37add91cb4192e4d14de6.png", bio: null },
            comment_body: "fsfsfsfsfs",
            createdAt: "2020-05-27T14:32:01.682Z",
            gifUrl: "",
            id: 519,
            postId: 27,
            updatedAt: "2020-05-27T14:32:01.682Z",
            userId: 10,
    deleteComment: jest.fn(),
describe("Should render <CommentList/>", () => {
    it("should render <CommentList/>", () => {
        const commentList = render(<CommentList {...props} />);

Это компонент.


import React, { Fragment, useState, Ref } from "react";
import Grid from "@material-ui/core/Grid";
import OurSecondaryButton from "../../../common/OurSecondaryButton";
import CommentListContainer from "../commentListContainer/commentListContainer";

function CommentList(props: any, ref: Ref<HTMLDivElement>) {
    const [showMore, setShowMore] = useState<Number>(2);
    const [openModal, setOpenModal] = useState(false);
    const [showLessFlag, setShowLessFlag] = useState<Boolean>(false);
    const the_comments = props.comments.length;
    const inc = showMore as any;
    const min = Math.min(2, the_comments - inc);
    const showComments = (e) => {
        if (inc + 2 && inc <= the_comments) {
            setShowMore(inc + 2);
        } else {
    const handleClickOpen = () => {
    const handleCloseModal = () => {

    const showLessComments = (e) => {
    const isBold = (comment) => {
        return comment.userId === props.userId ? 800 : 400;
    // show comments by recent, and have the latest comment at the bottom, with the previous one just before it.
    const filterComments = props.comments
        .sort((a, b) => {
            const date1 = new Date(a.createdAt) as any;
            const date2 = new Date(b.createdAt) as any;
            return date2 - date1;
        .slice(0, inc)

    const showMoreComments = () => {
        return filterComments.map((comment, i) => (
            <div key={i}>
                <CommentListContainer ref={ref} comment={comment} openModal={openModal} handleCloseModal={handleCloseModal} isBold={isBold} handleClickOpen={handleClickOpen} {...props} />
    return (
                <div data-testid="comment-list-div" style={{ margin: "30px 0px" }}>
                    {props.comments.length > 2 ? (
                            {min !== -1 && min !== -2 ? (
                                    {min !== 0 ? (
                                        <OurSecondaryButton onClick={(e) => showComments(e)} component="span" color="secondary">
                                            View {min !== -1 && min !== -2 ? min : 0} More Comments
                                    ) : (
                                        <OurSecondaryButton onClick={(e) => showLessComments(e)} component="span" color="secondary">
                                            Show Less Comments
                            ) : (
                                <OurSecondaryButton onClick={(e) => showLessComments(e)} component="span" color="secondary">
                                    Show Less Comments
                    ) : null}
            {showLessFlag === true ? (
                // will show most recent comments below
            ) : (
                    {/* filter based on first comment  */}
                    {filterComments.map((comment, i) => (
                        <div key={i}>
                            <CommentListContainer ref={ref} comment={comment} openModal={openModal} handleCloseModal={handleCloseModal} isBold={isBold} handleClickOpen={handleClickOpen} {...props} />

export default React.forwardRef(CommentList) as React.RefForwardingComponent<HTMLDivElement, any>;

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 28 мая 2020

Я исправил, мне пришлось импортировать

import CommentList from "./CommentList";


import { CommentListComponent as CommentList } from "./CommentList";

и сделать это с реквизитами

 ref: {
     current: undefined,

и прокомментировать / удалить эта строка кода из commentList

// // prevents un-necesary re renders
// // export default React.memo(CommentList);
// // will be useful for unit testing.
// export { CommentList as CommentListComponent };
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