У меня проблема при установке с помощью инструкций (https://doc.oroinc.com/backend/setup/installation/).
Это моя среда:
Операционная система: Debian GNU / Linux 8 (jess ie)
MySql: mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.0.38-MariaDB
Check system requirements
| Check | Mandatory requirements |
| OK | Vendor libraries must be installed |
| OK | app/cache/ or var/cache/ directory must be writable |
| OK | app/logs/ or var/logs/ directory must be writable |
| OK | Configured default timezone "Europe/Berlin" must be supported by your installation of PHP |
| OK | iconv() must be available |
| OK | json_encode() must be available |
| OK | session_start() must be available |
| OK | ctype_alpha() must be available |
| OK | token_get_all() must be available |
| OK | simplexml_import_dom() must be available |
| OK | PCRE extension must be available |
| OK | /tmp (sys_get_temp_dir()) directory must be writable |
| OK | Maximum supported filename length must be greater or equal 242 characters. Make sure that the cache folder is not inside the encrypted directory. |
| Check | PHP settings |
| OK | detect_unicode must be disabled in php.ini |
| OK | string functions should not be overloaded |
| OK | memory_limit should be at least 512M |
| Check | Oro specific requirements |
| OK | PHP version must be at least 7.3.13 (7.3.19-1+0~20200612.60+debian8~1.gbp6c8fe1 installed) |
| OK | GD extension must be at least 2.0 |
| OK | cURL extension must be at least 7.0 |
| OK | openssl_encrypt() should be available |
| OK | iconv() must not return the false result on converting string "check string" |
| OK | intl extension should be available |
| OK | zip extension should be installed |
| OK | NodeJS is installed |
| OK | NodeJS ">=12.0" version must be installed. |
| OK | NPM is installed |
| OK | public/uploads/ directory must be writable |
| OK | public/media/ directory must be writable |
| OK | public/bundles/ directory must be writable |
| OK | var/attachment/ directory must be writable |
| OK | var/import_export/ directory must be writable |
| OK | public/js directory must be writable |
| OK | public directory must be writable |
| OK | config/parameters.yml file must be writable |
| OK | UUID SQL function must be present |
| Check | Optional recommendations |
| OK | Vendors should be installed in order to check all requirements. |
| OK | PCRE extension should be at least version 8.0 (10.34 installed) |
| OK | PHP-DOM and PHP-XML modules should be installed |
| OK | mb_strlen() should be available |
| OK | utf8_decode() should be available |
| OK | filter_var() should be available |
| OK | posix_isatty() should be available |
| OK | intl extension should be available |
| OK | intl extension should be correctly configured |
| OK | intl ICU version should be at least 4+ |
| OK | intl.error_level should be 0 in php.ini |
| OK | a PHP accelerator should be installed |
| OK | short_open_tag should be disabled in php.ini |
| OK | magic_quotes_gpc should be disabled in php.ini |
| OK | register_globals should be disabled in php.ini |
| OK | session.auto_start should be disabled in php.ini |
| OK | PDO should be installed |
| OK | PDO should have some drivers installed (currently available: mysql, sqlite) |
| OK | SOAP extension should be installed (API calls) |
| WARNING | Install and enable the Tidy extension. |
| WARNING | Disable Phar extension to reduce the risk of PHP unserialization vulnerability. |
| OK | IMAP extension should be installed for valid email processing on IMAP sync. |
Я получаю следующую ошибку:
> Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Migration\WarmUpEntityConfigCacheMigration - skipped
In MigrationExecutor.php line 116:
Failed migrations: Oro\Bundle\ScopeBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroScopeBundleInstaller.
Есть ли у кого-нибудь такая же проблема или знает, как я могу ее исправить?
Информация от: composer info | grep oro /
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oro/commerce-crm 4.1.2 OroCRM integration for OroCommerce
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oro/crm-call-bundle 4.1.4 Oro Call Bundle
oro/crm-dotmailer 4.1.4 Oro Dotmailer integration
oro/crm-hangouts-call-bundle 4.1.1 Oro Google Hangouts integration
oro/crm-magento-embedded-contact-us 4.1.1 OroCRM Magento Embedded Contact Us package
oro/crm-task-bundle 4.1.3 Oro Task Bundle
oro/crm-zendesk 4.1.2 OroCRM Zendesk Integration
oro/customer-portal 4.1.5
oro/doctrine-extensions 1.2.2 Doctrine Extensions for MySQL and PostgreSQL.
oro/marketing 4.1.3 Oro Marketing Bundles
oro/oauth2-server 4.1.3 Oro OAuth 2.0 authorization and resource server for BAP
oro/platform 4.1.5 Business Application Platform (BAP)
oro/platform-serialised-fields 4.1.1 OroPlatform Serialized Fields
oro/redis-config 4.1.2 OroRedisConfigBundle
oro/twig-inspector 1.0.3 Oro Twig Inspector adds the possibility to find twig templates and blocks used for renderi...