Боке - нанесение меньшего количества элементов, чем количество пройденных элементов - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 20 июня 2020

Следующий фрейм данных df_shots_on_the_pitch:

                 ShotSide  Close             Position          PositionXY  
447            the centre  close    the boxthe centre   {'y': 34, 'x': 5}  
801                   N/A  close   outside the boxN/A  {'y': 32, 'x': 24}  
1353                  N/A  close  very close rangeN/A   {'y': 39, 'x': 3}  
3220                  N/A  close  very close rangeN/A   {'y': 39, 'x': 3}  
4680           the centre  close    the boxthe centre   {'y': 34, 'x': 5}  
4682                  N/A  close  very close rangeN/A   {'y': 39, 'x': 3}  
5463           the centre  close    the boxthe centre   {'y': 34, 'x': 5}  
5905           the centre  close    the boxthe centre   {'y': 34, 'x': 5}  

подает bokeh вот так:

def plot_goals(df_shots_on_the_pitch):
    #Getting events data positions
    df_player_events = df_shots_on_the_pitch[df_shots_on_the_pitch['ShotOutcome']=='Goal']

    #Pitch with events
    pitch_player = plot_events(df_player_events, 'Goals', 'red') # <---- HERE

    grid = bokeh.layouts.grid(

return bokeh.models.Panel(child=grid, title="Goals")

и так:

def plot_events(df_player_events, event_name, plot_color):

    player_event_x = [(player_event.get('x')*104)/100. for player_event in df_player_events['PositionXY']]
    player_event_y = [(player_event.get('y')*68)/100. for player_event in df_player_events['PositionXY']]
    ##### ----->  player_x and player_y plot 8 elements here

    p = draw_pitch(figure_width=450, figure_height=295, pitch_width=104, pitch_height=68, line_color="grey", pitch_color="white")
    p.circle(player_event_x, player_event_y, fill_color=plot_color, line_width=1, line_color="grey", fill_alpha=0.2, size=8)
    player_stats = bokeh.models.Label(x=70, y=190, x_units='screen', y_units='screen',
                    text=str(len(player_event_x)) + " " + event_name, text_font_size= '20px', render_mode='css',
                    background_fill_color=plot_color, background_fill_alpha=0.3)

    return p

наконец, эта функция dr aws the pitch:

def draw_pitch(figure_width=700, figure_height=350, 
               pitch_width=104, pitch_height=68, 
               pitch_color = "#B3DE69", line_color="grey"):

    p = figure(width=figure_width, height=figure_height, toolbar_location="below")
    #Empty pitch
    p.rect(x=pitch_width/2., y=pitch_height/2., 
           width=pitch_width, height=pitch_height, 
           fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)

    #Penalty Area Left
    p.circle(16.5, pitch_height/2., size=50, 
             fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
    ##Big rectangle
    p.rect(x=16.5/2., y=pitch_height/2., 
           width=16.5, height=40.3, 
           fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
    ##Small rectangle
    p.rect(x=5.5/2., y=pitch_height/2., 
           width=5.5, height=18.3, 
           fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
    ##Goal post
    p.rect(x=0, y=pitch_height/2., 
           width=0.5, height=7.3, 
           fill_color=line_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
    ##Penalty spot
    p.circle(11, pitch_height/2., size=2, 
             fill_color=line_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
    #Penalty Area right
    p.circle((pitch_width-16.5), pitch_height/2., size=50, 
             fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
    p.rect(x=pitch_width-(16.5/2.), y=pitch_height/2., width=16.5, height=40.3, 
           fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
    ##Small rectangle
    p.rect(x=pitch_width-(5.5/2.), y=pitch_height/2., 
           width=5.5, height=18.3, 
           fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
    ##Goal post
    p.rect(x=pitch_width, y=pitch_height/2., 
           width=0.5, height=7.3, 
           fill_color=line_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
    ##Penalty spot
    p.circle((pitch_width-11), pitch_height/2., size=2, 
             fill_color=line_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
    #middle of pitch
    p.circle(pitch_width/2., y=pitch_height/2., size=100, fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
    p.circle(pitch_width/2., y=pitch_height/2., size=2, fill_color=line_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
    p.line([pitch_width/2., pitch_width/2.], [0, pitch_height], line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
    return p

все вместе, строит следующие графики:

введите описание изображения здесь

Но он всегда рисует 3 цели, тогда как он должен отображать, как показано фреймом данных, 8 целей.

Что мне здесь не хватает?

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 20 июня 2020

Все точки нанесены на график. Некоторые из них имеют точно такие же координаты, поэтому они нанесены друг на друга. Это видно по данным, а также по более глубокому оттенку красного в «двух» точках возле ворот - это фактически «наложение» альфа-прозрачности.
