1. Я использую overleaf.com, чтобы редактировать свое резюме в латексе. 2. Я ввожу команду \ textbf {}, но изменения не появляются после компиляции кода.
Вот фрагмент кода: -% Bullet Lists с меньшим количеством пробелов команда \ newenvironment {tightemize} {\ vspace { - \ topsep} \ begin {itemize} \ itemsep1pt \ parskip0pt \ parsep0pt} {\ end {itemize} \ vspace {- \ topsep}}
\item Working and maintaining the company's \textbf{Stock exchange} contract margin product.
\item Developed entire backend for a project which reads and analyse the user's mutual fund statement and provides recommendation to user about investing in profitable schemes.
\item Working on backend of company's IPO purchasing product ,which will facilitates user to purchase IPO.
\item Developing Mutual Fund purchasing product on which user's can buy mutual funds.
вот фрагмент кода .cls для среды tightemsize : -
% Bullet Lists with fewer gaps command
\newenvironment{tightemize}{\vspace{-\topsep}\begin{itemize}\itemsep1pt \parskip0pt \parsep0pt}{\end{itemize}\vspace{-\topsep}}