Вот мой пример кода, который работает:
import os, io, dropbox
def createFolder(dropboxBaseFolder, newFolder):
# creating a temp dummy destination file path
dummyFileTo = dropboxBaseFolder + newFolder + '/' + 'temp.bin'
# creating a virtual in-memory binary file
f = io.BytesIO(b"\x00")
# uploading the dummy file in order to cause creation of the containing folder
dbx.files_upload(f.read(), dummyFileTo)
# now that the folder is created, delete the dummy file
accessToken = '....'
dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(accessToken)
dropboxBaseDir = '/test_dropbox'
dropboxNewSubDir = '/new_empty_sub_dir'
createFolder(dropboxBaseDir, dropboxNewSubDir)
Но есть ли более эффективный / простой способ выполнить задачу?