Вот что-то простое, что я сделал для вас:
Function CreateLog(Destination As String, MyMessage As String)
Dim PathToCreate, FolderPath, FileName As String
'Check for Unnecessary Spaces
Destination = Trim(Destination)
FolderStr = Destination
'Gather only FolderPath of Destination
FolderStr = Mid(FolderStr, 1, Len(FolderStr) - 1)
Loop Until Right(FolderStr, 1) = "\" Or Len(FolderStr) < 1
'Gather only FileName
FileName = Mid(Destination, Len(FolderStr) + 1, Len(Destination) - Len(FolderStr))
'If the path does not exist than create it
'Recursive approach
For Each Folder In Split(FolderStr, "\")
If InStr(1, Folder, ":") = 0 Then
PathToCreate = PathToCreate & "\" & Folder
PathToCreate = Folder
End If
If fso.FolderExists(PathToCreate) = False And PathToCreate <> "" Then
fso.CreateFolder PathToCreate
End If
'Open file and add the message in it
Open PathToCreate & "\" & FileName & ".txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, MyMessage
Close #1
End Function
CreateLog "D:\Test\NewTest\NewFolder\AnotherFolder\atlastthefile.abcdefg", "Hello!"
Неважно, какое заданное fileExtention вызывает неправильное добавление ".txt".