Я знаю, что это старый пост, но я искал способ запустить VBS для копирования и резервного копирования данных, основанных на дате, измененной и проходящей через все подкаталоги и файлы, и наткнулся на решение, основанное на вышеуказанном вопросе
в вашем коде есть ошибка в строке
ReplaceIfNewer file, DateMofidied, SourceFolder, DestFolder
у вас неправильно написано DateModified, в результате чего оно не отправляется через ваш file.datelastmodified на ваш саб. Кроме того, ваш код копировал первые уровни файлов и папок после того, как я это исправил.
Я построил этот код для копирования нескольких уровней подкаталогов и копирования файлов в каждом подкаталоге corespondng, снова вызывая подпрограмму внутри себя, каждый раз переименовывая исходную папку с динамическим массивом.
Этот набор кода будет сравнивать два файла и заменять старый на новый.
см код:
Dim i
Dim defaultchoice
Dim Defaultuser
Dim Theday
Dim Source
Dim driveletter
Dim backup1
Dim destin
Dim objshell
Dim objf
Dim Bsplit
Dim k
Dim total
Dim SourceFolder
Dim DestFolder
Dim objFSO
Dim Objfolder
Dim Msg1
' Start off your arrays at zero
'set default choice to 1 run with user input to select source and destination or 0 to follow below schedule
defaultchoice = 0
Defaultuser = "*******"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Define default locations where you get data and where you want to put it depending on the day, BAcking up something different every day in the week
Theday = weekday(now())
if Theday = 2 then
Source = "U:\**"
destin = "H:\**\Backups"
elseif Theday = 4 then
Source ="C:\***\backups"
destin = "H:\***\Backups"
elseif Theday = 3 then
Source ="U:\****"
destin = "H:\****\Backups"
elseif Theday = 5 then
Source ="C:\Users\*****\Documents"
destin = "H:\*****\Backups"
elseif Theday = 6 then
Source = "L:\******\data"
destin = "H:\******\Backups"
end if
if defaultchoice = 1 then
MSG1 = MsgBox("Do you wish to manually enter your location",vbyesno,"Select")
If MSG1 = vbyes then
Source = inputbox("Enter the file location you wish to get data from",,Source)
Destin = inputbox("Enter the file location you wish to Backup to",,destin)
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objF = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose folder to get data from", 0, 17)
checkfolderagain objf
source = objF.self.path
Destin = inputbox("Enter the file location you wish to Backup to",,destin)
end if
end if
' Check to see if your source exists
If objFSO.FolderExists(Source) Then
' Create Destination folder if it doesn't exist
BSplit = Split (destin, "\")
total = UBound (BSplit)
Backup1= Bsplit(i)
If objfso.FolderExists(Backup1) Then
For k= 1 to total
Backup1= Backup1 & "\" & Bsplit(k)
If objFSO.FolderExists (backup1) Then
Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(backup1)
End If
Msgbox("Destination Drive does not exist")
end if
' Format to utilize the Get folder command
SourceFolder = source & "\"
DestFolder = destin & "\"
' Execute the Sub to write files and sub folders
copyfirstfilesandsubs Sourcefolder, Destfolder
Msgbox("Source folder does not exist")
end if
set i = nothing
Set defaultchoice = nothing
set Defaultuser = nothing
Set Theday = nothing
set Source = nothing
set driveletter = nothing
set backup1 = nothing
set destin = nothing
Set objshell = nothing
Set objf = nothing
Set Bsplit = nothing
Set k = nothing
Set total = nothing
set objFSO = nothing
set Objfolder = nothing
Set Msg1 = nothing
' first copy each file in top directory then create each subfolder
Sub copyfirstfilesandsubs(strsourcefolder,strdestfolder)
' Get the files that are in source folder and define top folder
Dim objColFolders
Dim colTopFiles
Dim objTopFolder
Set objTopFolder = objfso.GetFolder(strsourcefolder)
Set colTopFiles = objTopFolder.Files
For Each objFile in colTopFiles
CheckFiles objFile, strSourceFolder, strDestFolder
Set objColFolders = objTopFolder.SubFolders
For Each subFolder in objColFolders
CheckFolder subFolder, strSourceFolder, strDestFolder
set objColFolders = nothing
Set colTopFiles = nothing
Set objTopFolder = nothing
end sub
' looks at modified date and sends date to ReplaceIfNewer
Sub CheckFiles (file, CFSourceFolder, CFDestFolder)
Dim DateModified
DateModified = file.DateLastModified
ReplaceIfNewer file, DateModified, CFSourceFolder, CFDestFolder
End Sub
'copys file if it doesn't exist or updates whichever version of the file is older or does nothing if they are equal
Sub ReplaceIfNewer (File, DateModified, CFSourceFolder, CFDestFolder)
Dim sourcefilename, destFileName, objDestFile, DestDateModified
sourceFileName = objfso.GetFileName(File)
destFileName = CFDestFolder & sourceFileName
if objfso.FileExists(destFileName) Then
Set objDestFile = objfso.GetFile(destFileName)
DestDateModified = objDestFile.DateLastModified
if DateModified > DestDateModified Then
objfso.CopyFile File, destFileName, OVERWRITEEXISTING
elseif DateModified < DestDateModified Then
objfso.CopyFile destFileName, File, OVERWRITEEXISTING
End if
objfso.CopyFile File, destFileName
End if
End Sub
'Creates folder if it currently doesn not exist, Creates new source folder path based on the folder it is in and repeats process at lower level.
Sub CheckFolder (SubFolder, cfoSourceFolder, cfoDestFolder)
Dim foldername
Dim asplit
Dim chkdestfolder
Dim SourceFolder2()
Dim DestFolder2()
aSplit = Split (SubFolder, "\")
UBound (aSplit)
If UBound (aSplit) > 1 Then
folderName = aSplit(UBound(aSplit))
End if
chkdestfolder = cfoDestFolder & folderName
'Identify any folders that you don't have permissions to copy from they will error out as you do not have permission to this folder
if subfolder = "C:\Users\" & defaultuser & "\Documents\My Shapes" or subfolder="C:\Users\" & defaultuser & "\Documents\My Music" or subfolder="C:\Users\" & defaultuser & "\Documents\My Pictures"or subfolder="C:\Users\" & defaultuser & "\Documents\My Videos" then
If Not objfso.FolderExists(chkdestfolder) Then
End if
'Redefine Source folder and destination folder one level deeper
ReDim Preserve SourceFolder2(i)
ReDim Preserve DestFolder2(i)
SourceFolder2(i) = cfoSourceFolder & foldername & "\"
DestFolder2(i) = chkdestfolder & "\"
'Execute the sub to write folders within the subfolder you just created
copyfirstfilesandsubs SourceFolder2(i), DestFolder2(i)
end if
set foldername = nothing
set asplit = nothing
set chkdestfolder = nothing
End Sub
Sub checkfolderagain (objf)
If objF Is Nothing Then
End If
end sub