Вот более полное решение (кажется, я взял его с сайта ELMAH ... не помню)
window.onerror = function (msg, url, line) {
logError(msg, arguments.callee.trace());
function logError(ex, stack) {
if (ex == null) return;
if (logErrorUrl == null) {
alert('logErrorUrl must be defined.');
var url = ex.fileName != null ? ex.fileName : document.location;
if (stack == null && ex.stack != null) stack = ex.stack;
// format output
var out = ex.message != null ? ex.name + ": " + ex.message : ex;
out += ": at document path '" + url + "'.";
if (stack != null) out += "\n at " + stack.join("\n at ");
// send error message
type: 'POST',
url: logErrorUrl,
data: { message: out }
Function.prototype.trace = function()
var trace = [];
var current = this;
current = current.caller;
return trace;
Function.prototype.signature = function()
var signature = {
name: this.getName(),
params: [],
toString: function()
var params = this.params.length > 0 ?
"'" + this.params.join("', '") + "'" : "";
return this.name + "(" + params + ")"
if (this.arguments)
for(var x=0; x<this.arguments.length; x++)
return signature;
Function.prototype.getName = function()
if (this.name)
return this.name;
var definition = this.toString().split("\n")[0];
var exp = /^function ([^\s(]+).+/;
if (exp.test(definition))
return definition.split("\n")[0].replace(exp, "$1") || "anonymous";
return "anonymous";
Макет / Мастер-страница:
<script src="@Url.Content( "~/Scripts/ErrorLogging.js" )" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//This needs to be here to be on everypage
var logErrorUrl = '@Url.Action( "LogJavaScriptError", "Home" )';
public void LogJavaScriptError( string message ) {
ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise( new JavaScriptErrorException( message ) );
public class JavaScriptErrorException: Exception{
public JavaScriptErrorException( string message ) : base ( message ){}