Я называю это функцией UpdateFieldWhereNull , и показана подпрограмма, которая ее вызывает ( адаптировано из http://www.aislebyaisle.com/access/vba_backend_code.htm)
Обновляет все таблицы в параметре DbPath ( не проверено, обращайтесь с осторожностью ):
Function UpdateFieldWhereNull(DbPath As String, fieldName as String, newFieldValue as String) As Boolean
'This links to all the tables that reside in DbPath,
' whether or not they already reside in this database.
'This works when linking to an Access .mdb file, not to ODBC.
'This keeps the same table name on the front end as on the back end.
Dim rs As Recordset
On Error Resume Next
'get tables in back end database
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Name " & _
"FROM MSysObjects IN '" & DbPath & "' " & _
"WHERE Type=1 AND Flags=0")
If Err <> 0 Then Exit Function
'update field in tables
While Not rs.EOF
If DbPath <> Nz(DLookup("Database", "MSysObjects", "Name='" & rs!Name & "' And Type=6")) Then
'UPDATE the field with new value if null
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE " & acTable & " SET [" & fieldName & "] = '" & newFieldValue & "' WHERE [" & fieldName & "] IS NULL"
End If
UpdateFieldWhereNull = True
End Function
Sub CallUpdateFieldWhereNull()
Dim Result As Boolean
'Sample call:
Result = UpdateFieldWhereNull("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\Northwind.mdb", "ID", "xxxxxx")
Debug.Print Result
End Sub