Салам MicMit:)
Да, есть более простое решение, вам просто нужно добавить нужные элементы из вашего связанного списка в коллекцию DataGrid SelectedItems, см. Код ниже: [Не забудьте пометить как ответ, если это сообщение решило вашу проблема:)]
<Window x:Class="ProgGridSelection.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" Loaded="OnWindowLoaded">
<DataGrid Name="empDataGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding}" Height="200"/>
<TextBox Name="empNameTextBox"/>
<Button Content="Click" Click="OnSelectionButtonClick" />
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public class Employee
public string Code { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
private ObservableCollection<Employee> _empCollection;
public MainWindow()
private void OnWindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Generate test data
_empCollection =
new ObservableCollection<Employee>
new Employee {Code = "E001", Name = "Mohammed A. Fadil"},
new Employee {Code = "E013", Name = "Ahmed Yousif"},
new Employee {Code = "E431", Name = "Jasmin Kamal"},
new Employee {Code = "E431", Name = "Zuhair Zein"},
new Employee {Code = "E431", Name = "Layla Abdullah"},
/* Set the Window.DataContext, alternatively you can set your
* DataGrid DataContext property to the employees collection.
* on the other hand, you you have to bind your DataGrid
* DataContext property to the DataContext (see the XAML code)
DataContext = _empCollection;
private void OnSelectionButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
/* select the employee that his name matches the
* name on the TextBox
var emp = (from i in _empCollection
where i.Name == empNameTextBox.Text.Trim()
select i).FirstOrDefault();
/* Now, add it to your DataGrid SelectedItems collection to
* add the item to the selected rows
if (emp != null)