Вот пример кода на C ++, основанный на код Уильяма Рэйера на codeproject.com
заголовочный файл (ShortcutProvider.h):
#include <Windows.h>
class ShortcutProvider
Creates the actual 'lnk' file (assumes COM has been initialized).
pszTargetfile - File name of the link's target.
pszTargetargs - Command line arguments passed to link's target.
pszLinkfile - File name of the actual link file being created.
pszDescription - Description of the linked item.
iShowmode - ShowWindow() constant for the link's target.
pszCurdir - Working directory of the active link.
pszIconfile - File name of the icon file used for the link.
iIconindex - Index of the icon in the icon file.
HRESULT value >= 0 for success, < 0 for failure.
HRESULT Create(LPSTR pszTargetfile, LPSTR pszTargetargs,
LPSTR pszLinkfile, LPSTR pszDescription,
int iShowmode, LPSTR pszCurdir,
LPSTR pszIconfile, int iIconindex);
Исходный файл (ShortcutProvide.cpp):
#include "ShortcutProvider.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <winnls.h>
#include <shobjidl.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <objidl.h>
#include <shlguid.h>
HRESULT ShortcutProvider::Create(LPSTR pszTargetfile, LPSTR pszTargetargs,
LPSTR pszLinkfile, LPSTR pszDescription,
int iShowmode, LPSTR pszCurdir,
LPSTR pszIconfile, int iIconindex)
HRESULT hRes; /* Returned COM result code */
IShellLink* pShellLink; /* IShellLink object pointer */
IPersistFile* pPersistFile; /* IPersistFile object pointer */
WCHAR wszLinkfile[MAX_PATH]; /* pszLinkfile as Unicode
string */
int iWideCharsWritten; /* Number of wide characters
written */
if (
(pszTargetfile != NULL) && (strlen(pszTargetfile) > 0) &&
(pszTargetargs != NULL) &&
(pszLinkfile != NULL) && (strlen(pszLinkfile) > 0) &&
(pszDescription != NULL) &&
(iShowmode >= 0) &&
(pszCurdir != NULL) &&
(pszIconfile != NULL) &&
(iIconindex >= 0)
hRes = CoCreateInstance(
CLSID_ShellLink, /* pre-defined CLSID of the IShellLink
object */
NULL, /* pointer to parent interface if part of
aggregate */
CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, /* caller and called code are in same
process */
IID_IShellLink, /* pre-defined interface of the
IShellLink object */
(LPVOID*)&pShellLink); /* Returns a pointer to the IShellLink
object */
if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
/* Set the fields in the IShellLink object */
hRes = pShellLink->SetPath(pszTargetfile);
hRes = pShellLink->SetArguments(pszTargetargs);
if (strlen(pszDescription) > 0)
hRes = pShellLink->SetDescription(pszDescription);
if (iShowmode > 0)
hRes = pShellLink->SetShowCmd(iShowmode);
if (strlen(pszCurdir) > 0)
hRes = pShellLink->SetWorkingDirectory(pszCurdir);
if (strlen(pszIconfile) > 0 && iIconindex >= 0)
hRes = pShellLink->SetIconLocation(pszIconfile, iIconindex);
/* Use the IPersistFile object to save the shell link */
hRes = pShellLink->QueryInterface(
IID_IPersistFile, /* pre-defined interface of the
IPersistFile object */
(LPVOID*)&pPersistFile); /* returns a pointer to the
IPersistFile object */
if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
iWideCharsWritten = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0,
pszLinkfile, -1,
wszLinkfile, MAX_PATH);
hRes = pPersistFile->Save(wszLinkfile, TRUE);
return (hRes);