@echo off
REM [1] REPOS-PATH (the path to this repository)
REM [2] PATH (the path in the repository about to be locked)
REM [3] USER (the user creating the lock)
REM [4] COMMENT (the comment of the lock)
REM [5] STEAL-LOCK (1 if the user is trying to steal the lock, else 0)
set repos=%1
set "repos=%repos:)=^)%"
set repPath=%2
set "repPath=%repPath:)=^)%"
set userName=%3
set isSteal=%5
if /I '1'=='%isSteal%' goto NO_STEALING
REM echo aaa >>d:\log.txt
REM echo repos = %repos% >>d:\log.txt
REM echo repPath = %repPath% >>d:\log.txt
REM echo userName = %userName% >>d:\log.txt
rem if the path has been locked, find the Owner.
::通过svnlook lock %repos% %repPath%,命令获取锁信息,例如:
:: UUID Token: opaquelocktoken:1707b1a0-8dd1-a94e-87d2-6569a115cd5c
:: Owner: ljz
:: Created: 2011-08-08 21:05:31 +0800 (周一, 08 八月 2011)
:: Expires:
:: Comment (1 line):
::通过findstr /r /n ".",将所有行的前面加上行号,前返回所有行,例如:
:: 1:UUID Token: opaquelocktoken:1707b1a0-8dd1-a94e-87d2-6569a115cd5c
:: 2:Owner: ljz
:: 3:Created: 2011-08-08 21:05:31 +0800 (周一, 08 八月 2011)
:: 4:Expires:
:: 5:Comment (1 line):
::通过tokens=1,2,3 delims=: ,以:号与空格作为分隔符,将上述每一行分隔,并将前三段分别装入变量%%i,%%j,%%k
::通过if %%i == 2 set LockedName=%%k,把第二行分隔后的第三段装入变量LockedName,在这里,就是ljz
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=: " %%i in ('svnlook lock %repos% %repPath% ^|findstr /r /n "."') do (
if %%i == 2 set LockedName=%%k
rem If we get no result from svnlook, there's no lock, allow the lock to happen.
if not defined LockedName goto OK_EXIT
rem If the person locking matches the lock's owner, allow the lock to happen.
rem But this one won't effect, the SVN don't care if the person matchs, they just don't allow relock.
REM echo userName = %userName% >>d:\log.txt
REM echo LockedName = %LockedName% >>d:\log.txt
if /I '%LockedName%'=='%userName%' goto OK_EXIT
rem Otherwise, we've got an owner mismatch, so return failure:
echo the path has been locked by %LockedName%, Pls contact %LockedName% to unlock it.>&2
echo Stealing lock is not allowed at this server.>&2
exit 1
exit 0