Уже несколько часов я отслеживаю исключения Moose :: Util :: TypeConstraints, я не понимаю, где он проверяет тип, и говорит, что имя неверное.Я отследил ошибку в сокращенном примере, чтобы попытаться найти проблему, и она просто показывает мне, что я ее не получаю.
Получил ли я ошибку Moose :: Util :: TypeConstraints?
aoffice:new alex$ perl -c ../codesnippets/typeconstrainterror.pl
../codesnippets/typeconstrainterror.pl syntax OK
aoffice:new alex$ perl -d ../codesnippets/typeconstrainterror.pl
DB<1> r
Something::File::LocalFile=HASH(0x100d1bfa8) contains invalid characters for a type name. Names can contain alphanumeric character, ":", and "."
at /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.1/darwin-multi-2level/Moose/Util/TypeConstraints.pm line 508
Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_create_type_constraint('Something::File::LocalFile=HASH(0x100d1bfa8)', undef, undef, undef, undef) called at /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.1/darwin-multi-2level/Moose/Util/TypeConstraints.pm line 285
Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::type('Something::File::LocalFile=HASH(0x100d1bfa8)') called at ../codesnippets/typeconstrainterror.pl line 7
Something::File::is_slink('Something::File::LocalFile=HASH(0x100d1bfa8)') called at ../codesnippets/typeconstrainterror.pl line 33
Debugged program terminated. Use q to quit or R to restart,
use o inhibit_exit to avoid stopping after program termination,
h q, h R or h o to get additional info.
Ниже код, который вылетает:
package Something::File;
use Moose;
has 'type' =>(is=>'ro', isa=>'Str', writer=>'_set_type' );
sub is_slink {
my $self = shift;
return ( $self->type eq 'slink' );
no Moose;
package Something::File::LocalFile;
use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
extends 'Something::File';
subtype 'PositiveInt'
=> as 'Int'
=> where { $_ >0 }
=> message { 'Only positive greater than zero integers accepted' };
no Moose;
my $a = Something::File::LocalFile->new;
# $a->_set_type('slink');
print $a->is_slink ." end\n";