Это то, что я использую, класс показан, а затем сценарии использования.Я прокомментировал это быстро, некоторые из них могут нуждаться в изменении, чтобы соответствовать вашим путям, или define()
class View_Helper_Minify extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract
public function minify($files, $ext, $folderName)
// The folder of the files your about to minify
// PUBLICPATH should be the path to your public ZF folder
$folder = PUBLICPATH . $folderName . "/";
// Set update needed flag to false
$update_needed = false;
// This is the file ext of the cached files
$cacheFileExt = "." . $ext;
// The list of files sent is exploded into an array
$filesExploded = explode(',', $files);
// The full cached file path is an md5 of the files string
$cacheFilePath = $folder . md5($files) . $cacheFileExt;
// The filename of the cached file
$cacheFileName = preg_replace("#[^a-zA-Z0-9\.]#", "", end(explode("/", $cacheFilePath)));
// Obtains the modified time of the cache file
$cacheFileDate = is_file($cacheFilePath) ? filemtime($cacheFilePath) : 0;
// Create new array for storing the list of valid files
$fileList = array();
// For each file
foreach($filesExploded as $f)
// determine full path of the full and append extension
$f = $folder . $f . '.' . $ext;
// If the determined path is a file
// If the file's modified time is after the cached file's modified time
// Then an update of the cached file is needed
if(filemtime($f) > $cacheFileDate)
$update_needed = true;
// File is valid add to list
$fileList[] = $f;
// If the cache folder's modified time is after the cached file's modified time
// Then an update is needed
if(filemtime($folder) > $cacheFileDate)
$update_needed = true;
// If an update is needed then optmise the valid files
$this->optmiseFiles($fileList, $cacheFilePath, $ext);
// Finally check if the cached file path is valid and return the absolute URL
// for te cached file
return "/" . $folderName . "/" . $cacheFileName;
// Throw Exception
throw new Exception("No minified file cached");
private function optimise($code, $ext)
// Do not optmise JS files
// I had problems getting JS files optmised and still function
if($ext == "js")
return $code;
// Remove comments from CSS
while(($i = strpos($code, '/*')) !== false)
$i2 = strpos($code, '*/',$i);
if($i2 === false)
$code = substr($code, 0, $i).substr($code, $i2 + 2);
// Remove other elements from CSS
$code = str_replace('/*','',$code);
$code = str_replace("\n",' ',$code);
$code = str_replace("\r",' ',$code);
$code = str_replace("\t",' ',$code);
$code = @ereg_replace('[ ]+',' ',$code);
$code = str_replace(': ',':', $code);
$code = str_replace('; ',';', $code);
$code = str_replace(', ',',', $code);
$code = str_replace(' :',':', $code);
$code = str_replace(' ;',';', $code);
$code = str_replace(' ,',',', $code);
// Return optimised code
return $code;
// Optmise the list of files
private function optmiseFiles($fileList, $cacheFilePath, $ext)
// Empty String to start with
$code = '';
// Check files list in case just one file was passed
// Foreach of the valid files optmise the code if the file is valid
foreach($fileList as $f)
$code .= is_file($f) ? $this->optimise(implode('', file($f)), $ext) : '';
// Else if a valid file is passed optmise the code
$code = is_file($fileList) ? $this->optimise(implode('', file($fileList)), $ext) : '';
// Open the cache file
$f = @fopen($cacheFilePath, 'w');
// If open successful
// Write code to the cache file
fwrite($f, $code);
// close cache file
Вы можете использовать помощника как это в вашем представлении
// Define an array of files, note you do not define the ext of those files
// The ext is defined as a param for the helper as this effects the optmisation
$files = array("jquery-ui-1.8.7.custom",
// Get the absolute URL of the files which are imploded also pass the directory 'css' and ext 'css'
$cssString = $this->minify(implode("," , $files), "css", "css");
// use baseURL() to output the full URL of the cached file and use it as normal with headLink()
echo $this->headLink()
А вот и версия javascript
$files = array("jquery-1.4.4.min",
$jsString = $this->minify(implode("," , $files), "js", "scripts");
echo $this->headScript()->appendFile($this->baseUrl($jsString));