Вот программа на C # для ручной реализации Math.Pow () с большей степенью точности, чем в .NET на основе double.
Вырежьте и вставьте в linqpad для немедленного запуска или измените .Dump () на Console.WriteLines.
Я включил тест результата. Тест выглядит следующим образом:
- Цель = .4% годовых с ежедневной рецептурой на 10 000
- Ответ = должен быть 10 040
- Как = десятичный b = 10000; для (int i = 0; i <365; i ++) {b * = скорость; } где скорость = (1,004) ^ (1/365) </li>
Я протестировал 3 реализации курса: (1) Ручной расчет (2) Excel (3) Math.Pow
Ручной расчет имеет высшую степень точности. Результаты:
Manually calculated rate: 1.0000109371043837652682334292
Excel rate: 1.000010937104383712500000M [see formula =(1.004)^(1/365)]
Math.Pow rate: 1.00001093710438
Manual - .4%pa on R10,000: 10040.000000000000000000000131
Excel - .4%pa on R10,000: 10039.999999999806627646709094
Math.Pow - .4%pa on R10,000:10039.999999986201948942509648
Я также оставил там некоторые дополнительные работы - которые я использовал, чтобы установить, какой самый высокий факториал может вписаться в улонг (= 22).
Код Linqpad:
a^b = exp(b * ln(a))
ln(a) = log(1-x) = - x - x^2/2 - x^3/3 - ... (where |x| < 1)
x: a = 1-x => x = 1-a = 1 - 1.004 = -.004
y = b * ln(a)
exp(y) = 1 + y + y^2/2 + x^3/3! + y^4/4! + y^5/5! + ...
n! = 1 * 2 * ... * n
// Example: .4%pa on R10,000 with daily compounding
Manually calculated rate: 1.0000109371043837652682334292
Excel rate: 1.000010937104383712500000M =(1.004)^(1/365)
Math.Pow rate: 1.00001093710438
Manual - .4%pa on R10,000: 10040.000000000000000000000131
Excel - .4%pa on R10,000: 10039.999999999806627646709094
Math.Pow - .4%pa on R10,000:10039.999999986201948942509648
static uint _LOOPS = 10; // Max = 22, no improvement in accuracy after 10 in this example scenario
// 8: 1.0000109371043837652682333497
// 9: 1.0000109371043837652682334295
// 10: 1.0000109371043837652682334292
// ...
// 21: 1.0000109371043837652682334292
// 22: 1.0000109371043837652682334292
// http://www.daimi.au.dk/~ivan/FastExpproject.pdf
// Left to Right Binary Exponentiation
public static decimal Pow(decimal x, uint y)
if (y == 1)
return x;
decimal A = 1m;
BitArray e = new BitArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(y));
int t = e.Count;
for (int i = t-1; i >= 0; --i) {
A *= A;
if (e[i] == true) {
A *= x;
return A;
// /304359/povyshenie-desyatichnoi-drobi-do-stepeni-desyatichnoi
// natural logarithm series
public static decimal ln(decimal a)
ln(a) = log(1-x) = - x - x^2/2 - x^3/3 - ... (where |x| < 1)
x: a = 1-x => x = 1-a = 1 - 1.004 = -.004
decimal x = 1 - a;
if (Math.Abs(x) >= 1)
throw new Exception("must be 0 < a < 2");
decimal result = 0;
uint iteration = _LOOPS;
while (iteration > 0)
result -= Pow(x, iteration) / iteration;
return result;
public static ulong[] Fact = new ulong[] {
1L * 2,
1L * 2 * 3,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 16,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 16 * 17,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 16 * 17 * 18,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 16 * 17 * 18 * 19,
1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 16 * 17 * 18 * 19 * 20,
14197454024290336768L, //1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 16 * 17 * 18 * 19 * 20 * 21, // NOTE: Overflow during compilation
17196083355034583040L, //1L * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 16 * 17 * 18 * 19 * 20 * 21 * 22 // NOTE: Overflow during compilation
// /304359/povyshenie-desyatichnoi-drobi-do-stepeni-desyatichnoi
// power series
public static decimal exp(decimal y)
exp(y) = 1 + y + y^2/2 + x^3/3! + y^4/4! + y^5/5! + ...
uint iteration = _LOOPS;
decimal result = 1;
while (iteration > 0)
//uint fatorial = Factorial(iteration);
ulong fatorial = Fact[iteration-1];
result += (Pow(y, iteration) / fatorial);
return result;
void Main()
decimal a = 1.004M;
decimal b = 1/365M;
decimal _ln = ln(a);
decimal y = b * _ln;
decimal result = exp(y);
result.Dump("Manual rate");
decimal excel = 1.000010937104383712500000M; // =(1.004)^(1/365)
excel.Dump("Excel rate");
decimal m = (decimal)Math.Pow((double)a,(double)b);
m.Dump("Math.Pow rate");
//(result - excel).Dump("Diff: Manual - Excel");
//(m - excel).Dump("Diff: Math.Pow - Excel");
var f = new DateTime(2013,1,1);
var t = new DateTime(2014,1,1);
Test(f, t, 10000, result, "Manual - .4%pa on R10,000");
Test(f, t, 10000, excel, "Excel - .4%pa on R10,000");
Test(f, t, 10000, m, "Math.Pow - .4%pa on R10,000");
decimal Test(DateTime f, DateTime t, decimal balance, decimal rate, string whichRate)
int numInterveningDays = (t.Date - f.Date).Days;
var value = balance;
for (int i = 0; i < numInterveningDays; ++i)
value *= rate;
return value - balance;
// Other workings:
// Determine maximum Factorial for use in ln(a)
ulong max = 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 * 2 // see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ctetwysk.aspx
Factorial 21 = 14,197,454,024,290,336,768
Factorial 22 = 17,196,083,355,034,583,040
Factorial 23 = 8,128,291,617,894,825,984 (Overflow)
public static uint Factorial_uint(uint i)
// n! = 1 * 2 * ... * n
uint n = i;
while (--i > 1)
n *= i;
return n;
public static ulong Factorial_ulong(uint i)
// n! = 1 * 2 * ... * n
ulong n = i;
while (--i > 1)
n *= i;
return n;
void Main()
// Check max ulong Factorial
ulong prev = 0;
for (uint i = 1; i < 24; ++i)
ulong cur = Factorial_ulong(i);
if (cur < prev)
throw new Exception("Overflow");
prev = cur;