# input: a sparse matrix with named rows and columns (dimnames)
# returns: a data frame representing triplets (r, c, x) suitable for writing to a CSV file
sparse2triples <- function(m) {
SM = summary(m)
D1 = m@Dimnames[[1]][SM[,1]]
D2 = m@Dimnames[[2]][SM[,2]]
data.frame(row=D1, col=D2, x=m@x)
> library(Matrix)
> dn <- list(LETTERS[1:3], letters[1:5])
> m <- sparseMatrix(i = c(3,1,3,2,2,1), p= c(0:2, 4,4,6), x = 1:6, dimnames = dn)
> m
3 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
a b c d e
A . 2 . . 6
B . . 4 . 5
C 1 . 3 . .
> sparse2triples(m)
row col x
1 C a 1
2 A b 2
3 B c 4
4 C c 3
5 A e 6
6 B e 5
[РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: использовать data.frame]