Функция gc.get_objects()
не найдет все объекты, например, numpy массивы не будут найдены.
import numpy as np
import gc
a = np.random.rand(100)
objects = gc.get_objects()
print(any[x is a for x in objects])
# will not find the numpy array
Вам понадобится функция, которая расширяет все объекты, как описано здесь
# code from https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/python/GetAllObjects
import gc
# Recursively expand slist's objects
# into olist, using seen to track
# already processed objects.
def _getr(slist, olist, seen):
for e in slist:
if id(e) in seen:
seen[id(e)] = None
tl = gc.get_referents(e)
if tl:
_getr(tl, olist, seen)
# The public function.
def get_all_objects():
"""Return a list of all live Python
objects, not including the list itself."""
gcl = gc.get_objects()
olist = []
seen = {}
# Just in case:
seen[id(gcl)] = None
seen[id(olist)] = None
seen[id(seen)] = None
# _getr does the real work.
_getr(gcl, olist, seen)
return olist
Теперь мы сможем найти большинство объектов
import numpy as np
import gc
a = np.random.rand(100)
objects = get_all_objects()
print(any[x is a for x in objects])
# will return True, the np.ndarray is found!