Я использовал Packaging API и создал собственное расширение файла, которое сопоставлено с интерфейсом оболочки. Все, что он делает, это разархивирует пакет в папку ProgramData \ MyApp \ Extensions. Затем, когда приложение перезапускается, появляется часть.
См. Этот блог для получения дополнительной информации
' Open the Package.
' ('using' statement insures that 'package' is
' closed and disposed when it goes out of scope.)
Using package As Package = package.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
tFolder = IO.Path.Combine(tFolder,
Dim directoryInfo As New DirectoryInfo(tFolder)
If directoryInfo.Exists Then
End If
For Each part In package.GetParts()
If part.ContentType = Packages.MediaToolzAddinMimeType Then
ExtractPart(part, tFolder)
End If
End Using
' --------------------------- ExtractPart ---------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Extracts a specified package part to a target folder.</summary>
''' <param name="packagePart">
''' The package part to extract.</param>
''' <param name="targetDirectory">
''' The relative path from the 'current' directory
''' to the targer folder.</param>
Private Shared Sub ExtractPart(ByVal packagePart As PackagePart, ByVal targetDirectory As String)
' Create a string with the full path to the target directory.
Dim pathToTarget As String = targetDirectory
If pathToTarget.EndsWith(IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) = False Then pathToTarget += IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar
' Remove leading slash from the Part Uri,
' and make a new Uri from the result
Dim stringPart As String = packagePart.Uri.ToString().TrimStart("/"c)
' I added this line to take off the content pat
stringPart = IO.Path.GetFileName(stringPart)
Dim partUri As New Uri(stringPart, UriKind.Relative)
' Create a full Uri to the Part based on the Package Uri
Dim uriFullPartPath As New Uri(New Uri(pathToTarget, UriKind.Absolute), partUri)
' Create the necessary Directories based on the Full Part Path
' Create the file with the Part content
Using fileStream As New FileStream(uriFullPartPath.LocalPath, FileMode.Create)
CopyStream(packagePart.GetStream(), fileStream)
End Using 'Close & dispose fileStream.
End Sub
' --------------------------- CopyStream ---------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Copies data from a source stream to a target stream.</summary>
''' <param name="source">
''' The source stream to copy from.</param>
''' <param name="target">
''' The destination stream to copy to.</param>
Private Shared Sub CopyStream(ByVal source As Stream, ByVal target As Stream)
Const bufSize As Integer = &H1000
Dim buf(bufSize - 1) As Byte
Dim bytesRead As Integer = 0
bytesRead = source.Read(buf, 0, bufSize)
Do While bytesRead > 0
target.Write(buf, 0, bytesRead)
bytesRead = source.Read(buf, 0, bufSize)
End Sub