Вы можете использовать ActionResult для визуализации диаграммы.По следующей ссылке находится запись в блоге Дэниэла Хилла - Отображение диаграмм Microsoft .NET 4.0 в ASP.NET MVC
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting;
namespace Serviscope.Proviso.Web.Code
public class ChartActionResult : ActionResult
private readonly Chart _chart;
private readonly ChartImageFormat _imageFormat;
public ChartActionResult(Chart chart, ChartImageFormat imageFormat = ChartImageFormat.Png)
if ( chart == null ) { throw new ArgumentNullException("chart"); }
_chart = chart;
_imageFormat = imageFormat;
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
var response = context.HttpContext.Response;
response.Charset = String.Empty;
response.ContentType = "image/" + _imageFormat;
if ( _imageFormat == ChartImageFormat.Png )
// PNG can only write to a seek-able stream
// Thus we have to go through a memory stream, which permits seeking.
using ( var mStream = new MemoryStream() )
_chart.SaveImage(mStream, _imageFormat);
mStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
{ // If we don't have to provide a seek-able stream, write directly to
// where the data needs to go.
_chart.SaveImage(response.OutputStream, _imageFormat);
и пример:
public ActionResult MyChart()
// Build Chart
var chart = new Chart()
Height = 300,
Width = 400,
BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.TopBottom,
BackColor = Color.Gray,
BorderSkin = new BorderSkin() { SkinStyle = BorderSkinStyle.Emboss }
// Add Chart Area and Set 3-D Settings
chart.ChartAreas.Add(new ChartArea());
chart.ChartAreas[0].Area3DStyle = new ChartArea3DStyle()
Enable3D = true,
Perspective = 10,
Inclination = 30,
Rotation = 10
// Add Random values
chart.Series.Add(GenerateRandomSeries(10, 10));
chart.Series.Add(GenerateRandomSeries(10, 10));
chart.Series.Add(GenerateRandomSeries(10, 10));
// Return chart object, wrapped in our custom action result
return new ChartActionResult(chart);
private static readonly Random RandomPointGenerator = new Random();
private static Series GenerateRandomSeries(int max, int count)
var series = new Series();
series.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
series.Points.AddXY(x + 1, RandomPointGenerator.Next(max));
return series;